Your prayers continue to be answered!
Your prayers continue to be answered! Just this passed week we were honored to receive an invitation from the Terry Broyles family to team up with them and continue our church planting ministry in Brazil. They are located approximately one hour from one of the best hospitals in South America. Once again, we ask that you praise the Lord together with us for this answer to our prayers. The ministry they have is going well, and their desire is to eventually reach out into other nearby areas. In our next few up-dates, we will be giving you more details of the work there.
John has a great desire to continue to be used of the Lord here in the States while we wait for medical clearance which will be at the earliest April, 2007. How grateful we are for continued opportunities of ministry! Next week, July 24-28, we will be the missionary speakers for senior highers at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Clear Lake, IA. Pray with us that God would use us to reach into the hearts of these teens for salvation, dedication, or full time Christian service. We will then be participating in a Baptist Mid-missions conference at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA July 31-August 3rd. Next we will be the missons/teen speakers for a week of Family camp at IRBC August 5-11. After that, we will be speaking at various churches on the weekends, be involved in missionary conferences and also teaching Bible studies during the week. Continue to pray for safety as we travel and most importantly, that the Lord would use us mightily.
The family is fine--Josh is continuing with his course at the Department for the Blind here in Des Moines, IA. Many times he comes home on Sunday to spend the day with us. He seems happy, but that is not unusual!! Pray that he will finish his course in time to attend Faith Baptist Bible College in January of 2007. Jerrod's Hy-Vee garden center job is through--it was seasonal, but now he is working at the Hy-Vee grocery store. Soon he will be beginning his final year of high school at Ankeny High. He (along with Jonna and Jeanne) plan to attend the senior high week at IRBC with us as well. Jonna is still working at McDonalds and is doing fine. She is a sophmore and will be at Ankeny High this year. One of the birthday presents that she asked for back in March was a day at Adventureland Amusement Park here in Des Moines. She will be headed there this coming Monday and is very excited. Jeanne just got done mowing the lawn. She volunteered to do it since she wanted to "get some sun." She got it all right!! It is nearly 90 degrees out there and it is 11:00 a.m! We told her she needed to get up earlier--maybe she will learn next time!! She can't wait for school to start, and will be in 8th grade at Northview Middle School.
We have been in contact with our churches in Brazil and enjoy hearing what the Lord is doing. The youth group has been a special blessing and many of the children or adolescents have grown up and are now a vital part of the work there. We are including a picture and a brief history of a young man and young lady.
This is Rodrigo who comes from a family of political activists. His aunt is the president of the C.U.T. which is the far left of the communist movement in the state of Alagoas, Brazil. When he was in high school, a friend of his named Washington invited him to some special meetings at our work in Graciliano Ramos. The message he heard there opened many questions about religion, salvation and eternity. He sat down with John, who sought to answer all his questions from the Word of God. He did not get saved, but continued to go to church and ask more questions and get the answers from the same place--God's Word. One night as the invitation was being given, he finally surrendered his life to God and accepted Christ as his personal Savior. Since then, he has finished high school, gone to college, and is now practicing dentistry. Thank you for your prayers which enabled us to reach this young man for Christ.
This is Andrea who met Rodrigo while attending university. Before he invited her to go to church to hear about the Living and True God, and accept Jesus Christ as her Savior, she knew little about salvation and eternity. Her focus and direction was to participate in activist marches and sit-ins. They would block off main highways and disrupt traffic for hours. She praises God for those who were sent to her part of the world to tell her about salvation, hope, and eternity.
John has a great desire to continue to be used of the Lord here in the States while we wait for medical clearance which will be at the earliest April, 2007. How grateful we are for continued opportunities of ministry! Next week, July 24-28, we will be the missionary speakers for senior highers at the Iowa Regular Baptist Camp in Clear Lake, IA. Pray with us that God would use us to reach into the hearts of these teens for salvation, dedication, or full time Christian service. We will then be participating in a Baptist Mid-missions conference at Faith Baptist Bible College in Ankeny, IA July 31-August 3rd. Next we will be the missons/teen speakers for a week of Family camp at IRBC August 5-11. After that, we will be speaking at various churches on the weekends, be involved in missionary conferences and also teaching Bible studies during the week. Continue to pray for safety as we travel and most importantly, that the Lord would use us mightily.
The family is fine--Josh is continuing with his course at the Department for the Blind here in Des Moines, IA. Many times he comes home on Sunday to spend the day with us. He seems happy, but that is not unusual!! Pray that he will finish his course in time to attend Faith Baptist Bible College in January of 2007. Jerrod's Hy-Vee garden center job is through--it was seasonal, but now he is working at the Hy-Vee grocery store. Soon he will be beginning his final year of high school at Ankeny High. He (along with Jonna and Jeanne) plan to attend the senior high week at IRBC with us as well. Jonna is still working at McDonalds and is doing fine. She is a sophmore and will be at Ankeny High this year. One of the birthday presents that she asked for back in March was a day at Adventureland Amusement Park here in Des Moines. She will be headed there this coming Monday and is very excited. Jeanne just got done mowing the lawn. She volunteered to do it since she wanted to "get some sun." She got it all right!! It is nearly 90 degrees out there and it is 11:00 a.m! We told her she needed to get up earlier--maybe she will learn next time!! She can't wait for school to start, and will be in 8th grade at Northview Middle School.
We have been in contact with our churches in Brazil and enjoy hearing what the Lord is doing. The youth group has been a special blessing and many of the children or adolescents have grown up and are now a vital part of the work there. We are including a picture and a brief history of a young man and young lady.

This is Andrea who met Rodrigo while attending university. Before he invited her to go to church to hear about the Living and True God, and accept Jesus Christ as her Savior, she knew little about salvation and eternity. Her focus and direction was to participate in activist marches and sit-ins. They would block off main highways and disrupt traffic for hours. She praises God for those who were sent to her part of the world to tell her about salvation, hope, and eternity.
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