Crime can be on to prostitution
Article from Gazeta de Alagoas:
Original Portuguese:
Scroll Down for English
Crime pode estar ligado à prostituição
John David é transferido para os Estados Unidos com infecção

A polícia não descarta a possibilidade do atentado sofrido pelo pastor da Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco, John David Leonard, 45 anos, no domingo, dia 3, estar ligado ao trabalho que ele desenvolvia contra a prostituição infantil no município. “Não é a nossa principal linha de investigação, mas não excluímos esta alternativa”, disse a delegada que preside o inquérito, Geovânia Falcão, sem revelar em que direção a polícia tem encaminhado as diligências.
Polícia Americana
Na última semana, dois agentes do FBI (Polícia Federal dos Estados Unidos) estiveram em Maceió. Em reunião com o secretário de Defesa Social, Robervaldo Davino; com o diretor da Polícia Civil, Roberto Lisboa; e com a delegada Geovânia Falcão, eles quiseram saber como estão andando as investigações e em quais circunstâncias houve a tentativa de homicídio. O pastor John David tem dupla nacionalidade e na última sexta-feira (8) foi transferido para os Estados Unidos, com princípio de infecção, num vôo que durou cerca de 18 horas.
Dois retratos falados devem ser divulgados esta semana
Peritos da Polícia Federal terminaram de elaborar o retrato falado dos dois homens que atiraram no pastor John David Leonard em frente à Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco. Os desenhos serão divulgados logo após as testemunhas que descreveram os atiradores afirmarem que os retratos parecem com eles.
O pastor levou três tiros e ficou tetraplégico. Na noite da última sexta-feira, 8, foi transferido para um hospital dos Estados Unidos, respirando por aparelhos. Uma bala ainda está alojada em seu maxilar.
O procurador da família de Jonh David, José Maurício Filho, acompanhou de perto a transferência. Um avião americano que funciona como Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), levou o pastor na companhia apenas de pilotos e médicos. Segundo ele, John deixou Maceió com início de infecção, escoltado por viaturas da polícia. “Os médicos estão tratando da infecção para, em seguida, realizarem outras cirurgias”, disse, afirmando que John está consciente e se comunica por gestos.
Por ser dono de casas de aluguel no Conjunto Inocoop, no Tabuleiro do Martins, os inquilinos de John David tornaram-se suspeitos. Entre eles, um devia as mensalidades há anos. Outro motivo pode ter sido a prostituição infantil. José Maurício disse que o pastor havia afastado cinco adolescentes dos chamados “inferninhos’, bares que funcionam como prostíbulo. CS
Vida melhor para crianças era objetivo do pastor John
A bondade com que trabalhava o pastor John David Leonard, na pequena cidade de Coqueiro Seco, é reconhecida por praticamente todos os moradores, independente de religiões. Dar melhores condições de vida para as crianças era seu principal objetivo. “Em Alagoas, o pastor fundou quatro escolas. Em todas elas, têm quadra de esportes”, comentou seu amigo, José Maurício.
John estava no Brasil desde 1995 e em Coqueiro Seco, desde 2003. Lá começou a fazer um trabalho direcionado aos adolescentes e jovens no intuito de afastá-los das drogas e da prostituição. “De fato, aqui já existiram casos de prostituição infantil”, disse a conselheira tutelar do município, Maria Ivone dos Santos. “O pastor era uma ótima pessoa. Não tinha nenhum inimigo por aqui”, completa ela.
A popularidade de John era tão grande na cidade que, nas últimas eleições para prefeito, os dois candidatos buscaram o seu apoio. “Ele agradeceu, mas negou. Disse que estaria pronto para colaborar com quem vencesse; não queria se indispor com ninguém”, contou José Maurício.
No dia 28 de abril, o pastor John David viajou para os EUA para apresentar à Missão Americana da Igreja Batista o relatório de suas atividades na capital alagoana, mas teve que antecipar sua volta porque seu filho, Josué Leonard, 19, havia caído e quebrado o fêmur. Com 15 dias que estava de volta a Alagoas, foi baleado após um culto que liderou. Seu filho, que estuda teologia em Maceió, continua na cidade, em local não revelado, ainda se recuperando da cirurgia que realizou na perna. John é casado e tem quatro filhos, todos adolescentes.CS
Translated to English via
Scroll Down for Human Translation
Crime can be on to prostitution

John David is transferred to the United States with infection
The police does not discard the possibility of the attempted against one suffered by the shepherd from the Church Baptist from Dry Coconut palm, John David Leonard, 45 years, in the sunday, day 3, to be on to the work that it developed against infantile prostitution in the city. "it is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the commission agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Hawk, without disclosing where direction the policy has directed the diligências.
American policy
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Policy of the United States) had been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; e with Geovânia commission agent Hawk, them had wanted to know as they are walking the inquiries and in which circumstances it had the homicide attempt. The shepherd John David has pair nationality and in the last friday (8) he was transferred to the United States, with principle of infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.
Two composite pictures must be divulged this week
Connoisseurs of the Federal Police had finished to elaborate the composite picture of the two men who had shot in the shepherd John David Leonard in front of the Church Baptist of Dry Coconut palm. The drawings will soon be divulged after the witnesses who had described the shooters to affirm that the pictures seem them.
The shepherd took three shots and was tetraplégico. In the night of the last friday, 8, were transferred to a hospital of the United States, breathing for devices. A bullet still is lodged in its maxilar.
The solicitor of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Son, folloied of close the transference. An American airplane that functions as Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI), took the shepherd in the company only of pilots and doctors. According to it, John left Maceió with beginning of infection, escorted for viaturas of the policy. "the doctors are dealing with the infection for, after that, to carry through other surgeries", said, affirming that John is conscientious and if he communicates for gestures.
For being owner of houses of rent in the Inocoop Set, in the Tray of the Martins, the lodgers of John David had become suspicious. Between them, one had the monthly fees has years. Another reason can have been infantile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the shepherd had moved away five adolescents from "the inferninhos ' calls, bars that function as brothel. CS
Better life for children was objective of the shepherd John
The goodness with that the shepherd worked John David Leonard, in the small city of Dry Coconut palm, is recognized for practically all the inhabitants, independent of religions. To give better conditions of life for the children was its main objective. "In Alagoas, the shepherd established four schools. In all they, have square of sports ", commented its friend, Jose Maurício.
John was in Brazil since 1995 and Dry Coconut palm, since 2003. There he started to make a work directed to the adolescents and young in intention to move away them from the drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of infantile prostitution had existed here", said the council member to tutor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "the shepherd was an excellent person. He did not have no enemy for ", here complete it.
The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had searched its support. "It was thankful, but he denied. It said that he would be ready to collaborate with who was successful; it did not want if indispor on nobody ", it counted Jose Maurício.
No day 28 of April, the shepherd John David travelled for U.S.A. to present à American Mission da Church Baptist the report of its activities na capital alagoana, but it had that to anticipate its return because its son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken fêmur. With 15 days that were in return the Alagoas, a cult was transferred after that it led. Its son, who studies theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in place not disclosed, still if recouping of the surgery that carried through in the leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescentes.CS
Translated to English via Human Translation:
Thanks to Andrew Comings
Crime Could be Linked to Prostitution
The police do not discount the possibility that the attempted murder of the Pastor of the Coqueiro Baptist Church, John David Leonard, 45, on Sunday, July 3rd, could be related to the work that he was doing to combat juvenile prostitution in the city. "It is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Falcão, without disclosing whate direction the police have directed their efforts.
American Police
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Police of the United States) have been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; and with agent Geovânia Falcão, they had wanted to know how the inquiries are progressing and the circumstances surrounding the homicide attempt. The Pastor John David has dual nationality and last Friday (the 8th) he was transferred to the United States, with the beginnings of an infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.
Two Composite Pictures Should be Divulged This Week
Experts from theFederal Police have finished drawing the composite picture of the two men who shot the Pasotr John David Leonard in front of the Coqueiro Seco Baptist Church. The drawings will be divulged as soon as the witnesses who had described the shooters affirm that the pictures look like them. The pastor was hit three times and is quadripalegic. On the night of last Friday, the 8th, he was transferred to a hospital in the United States, breathing with the help of machines. A bullet is still lodged in his jaw. The spokesman of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Filho, followed the transfer closely . An American airplane that functions as an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), took the pastor, accompanied only by pilots and doctors. According to them, John left Maceió with the beginnings of an infection, escorted for police units. "The doctors are dealing with the infection in order to, after that, be able to continue with other surgeries", they said, affirming that John is conscious and that he communicates with gestures. Because they are owners of rental units in the Inocoop subdivision, in the Tabuleiro do Martins, the renters of John David have become suspects. One of their number had not paid his rent in years. Another reason could have been juvenile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the pastor had moved five adolescents from the so-called "inferninhos" (little Hells)--bars that function as brothels.
Better Life for Children was Objective of Pastor John
The kindness that characterized the work of pastor John David Leonard, in the small city of Coqueiro Seco, is recognized by practically all the inhabitants, independent of religion. To give better quality of life to the children was his main objective. "In Alagoas, the pastor established four schools. In every one there is a sports court.", commented its friend, Jose Maurício. John has been in Brazil since 1995 and Coqueiro Seco since 2003. There he began a work directed towards the adolescents and young people with intention to move away them from drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of juvenile prostitution had existed here", said the educational counselor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "The pastor was an excellent person. He did not have any enemies around here ", she added. The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had asked for his support. "He thanked them, but he denied their request. He said that he would be ready to collaborate with whoever was successful; he did not want to get on anybody's bad side.", said Jose Maurício. On the 28th of April, the pastor John David travelled for U.S.A. to present to the American Mission of the Baptist Church a report of its activities in the Alagoan capital, but he had to return early because his son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken his femur. Having been back in Alagoas only 15 days, he was shot after a service he had just led. His son, who is studying theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in an undisclosed location, still recovering from the surgery on his leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescents.
Original Portuguese:
Scroll Down for English
Crime pode estar ligado à prostituição
John David é transferido para os Estados Unidos com infecção

A polícia não descarta a possibilidade do atentado sofrido pelo pastor da Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco, John David Leonard, 45 anos, no domingo, dia 3, estar ligado ao trabalho que ele desenvolvia contra a prostituição infantil no município. “Não é a nossa principal linha de investigação, mas não excluímos esta alternativa”, disse a delegada que preside o inquérito, Geovânia Falcão, sem revelar em que direção a polícia tem encaminhado as diligências.
Polícia Americana
Na última semana, dois agentes do FBI (Polícia Federal dos Estados Unidos) estiveram em Maceió. Em reunião com o secretário de Defesa Social, Robervaldo Davino; com o diretor da Polícia Civil, Roberto Lisboa; e com a delegada Geovânia Falcão, eles quiseram saber como estão andando as investigações e em quais circunstâncias houve a tentativa de homicídio. O pastor John David tem dupla nacionalidade e na última sexta-feira (8) foi transferido para os Estados Unidos, com princípio de infecção, num vôo que durou cerca de 18 horas.
Dois retratos falados devem ser divulgados esta semana
Peritos da Polícia Federal terminaram de elaborar o retrato falado dos dois homens que atiraram no pastor John David Leonard em frente à Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco. Os desenhos serão divulgados logo após as testemunhas que descreveram os atiradores afirmarem que os retratos parecem com eles.
O pastor levou três tiros e ficou tetraplégico. Na noite da última sexta-feira, 8, foi transferido para um hospital dos Estados Unidos, respirando por aparelhos. Uma bala ainda está alojada em seu maxilar.
O procurador da família de Jonh David, José Maurício Filho, acompanhou de perto a transferência. Um avião americano que funciona como Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), levou o pastor na companhia apenas de pilotos e médicos. Segundo ele, John deixou Maceió com início de infecção, escoltado por viaturas da polícia. “Os médicos estão tratando da infecção para, em seguida, realizarem outras cirurgias”, disse, afirmando que John está consciente e se comunica por gestos.
Por ser dono de casas de aluguel no Conjunto Inocoop, no Tabuleiro do Martins, os inquilinos de John David tornaram-se suspeitos. Entre eles, um devia as mensalidades há anos. Outro motivo pode ter sido a prostituição infantil. José Maurício disse que o pastor havia afastado cinco adolescentes dos chamados “inferninhos’, bares que funcionam como prostíbulo. CS
Vida melhor para crianças era objetivo do pastor John
A bondade com que trabalhava o pastor John David Leonard, na pequena cidade de Coqueiro Seco, é reconhecida por praticamente todos os moradores, independente de religiões. Dar melhores condições de vida para as crianças era seu principal objetivo. “Em Alagoas, o pastor fundou quatro escolas. Em todas elas, têm quadra de esportes”, comentou seu amigo, José Maurício.
John estava no Brasil desde 1995 e em Coqueiro Seco, desde 2003. Lá começou a fazer um trabalho direcionado aos adolescentes e jovens no intuito de afastá-los das drogas e da prostituição. “De fato, aqui já existiram casos de prostituição infantil”, disse a conselheira tutelar do município, Maria Ivone dos Santos. “O pastor era uma ótima pessoa. Não tinha nenhum inimigo por aqui”, completa ela.
A popularidade de John era tão grande na cidade que, nas últimas eleições para prefeito, os dois candidatos buscaram o seu apoio. “Ele agradeceu, mas negou. Disse que estaria pronto para colaborar com quem vencesse; não queria se indispor com ninguém”, contou José Maurício.
No dia 28 de abril, o pastor John David viajou para os EUA para apresentar à Missão Americana da Igreja Batista o relatório de suas atividades na capital alagoana, mas teve que antecipar sua volta porque seu filho, Josué Leonard, 19, havia caído e quebrado o fêmur. Com 15 dias que estava de volta a Alagoas, foi baleado após um culto que liderou. Seu filho, que estuda teologia em Maceió, continua na cidade, em local não revelado, ainda se recuperando da cirurgia que realizou na perna. John é casado e tem quatro filhos, todos adolescentes.CS
Translated to English via
Scroll Down for Human Translation
Crime can be on to prostitution

John David is transferred to the United States with infection
The police does not discard the possibility of the attempted against one suffered by the shepherd from the Church Baptist from Dry Coconut palm, John David Leonard, 45 years, in the sunday, day 3, to be on to the work that it developed against infantile prostitution in the city. "it is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the commission agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Hawk, without disclosing where direction the policy has directed the diligências.
American policy
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Policy of the United States) had been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; e with Geovânia commission agent Hawk, them had wanted to know as they are walking the inquiries and in which circumstances it had the homicide attempt. The shepherd John David has pair nationality and in the last friday (8) he was transferred to the United States, with principle of infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.
Two composite pictures must be divulged this week
Connoisseurs of the Federal Police had finished to elaborate the composite picture of the two men who had shot in the shepherd John David Leonard in front of the Church Baptist of Dry Coconut palm. The drawings will soon be divulged after the witnesses who had described the shooters to affirm that the pictures seem them.
The shepherd took three shots and was tetraplégico. In the night of the last friday, 8, were transferred to a hospital of the United States, breathing for devices. A bullet still is lodged in its maxilar.
The solicitor of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Son, folloied of close the transference. An American airplane that functions as Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI), took the shepherd in the company only of pilots and doctors. According to it, John left Maceió with beginning of infection, escorted for viaturas of the policy. "the doctors are dealing with the infection for, after that, to carry through other surgeries", said, affirming that John is conscientious and if he communicates for gestures.
For being owner of houses of rent in the Inocoop Set, in the Tray of the Martins, the lodgers of John David had become suspicious. Between them, one had the monthly fees has years. Another reason can have been infantile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the shepherd had moved away five adolescents from "the inferninhos ' calls, bars that function as brothel. CS
Better life for children was objective of the shepherd John
The goodness with that the shepherd worked John David Leonard, in the small city of Dry Coconut palm, is recognized for practically all the inhabitants, independent of religions. To give better conditions of life for the children was its main objective. "In Alagoas, the shepherd established four schools. In all they, have square of sports ", commented its friend, Jose Maurício.
John was in Brazil since 1995 and Dry Coconut palm, since 2003. There he started to make a work directed to the adolescents and young in intention to move away them from the drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of infantile prostitution had existed here", said the council member to tutor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "the shepherd was an excellent person. He did not have no enemy for ", here complete it.
The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had searched its support. "It was thankful, but he denied. It said that he would be ready to collaborate with who was successful; it did not want if indispor on nobody ", it counted Jose Maurício.
No day 28 of April, the shepherd John David travelled for U.S.A. to present à American Mission da Church Baptist the report of its activities na capital alagoana, but it had that to anticipate its return because its son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken fêmur. With 15 days that were in return the Alagoas, a cult was transferred after that it led. Its son, who studies theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in place not disclosed, still if recouping of the surgery that carried through in the leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescentes.CS
Translated to English via Human Translation:
Thanks to Andrew Comings
Crime Could be Linked to Prostitution
The police do not discount the possibility that the attempted murder of the Pastor of the Coqueiro Baptist Church, John David Leonard, 45, on Sunday, July 3rd, could be related to the work that he was doing to combat juvenile prostitution in the city. "It is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Falcão, without disclosing whate direction the police have directed their efforts.
American Police
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Police of the United States) have been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; and with agent Geovânia Falcão, they had wanted to know how the inquiries are progressing and the circumstances surrounding the homicide attempt. The Pastor John David has dual nationality and last Friday (the 8th) he was transferred to the United States, with the beginnings of an infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.
Two Composite Pictures Should be Divulged This Week
Experts from theFederal Police have finished drawing the composite picture of the two men who shot the Pasotr John David Leonard in front of the Coqueiro Seco Baptist Church. The drawings will be divulged as soon as the witnesses who had described the shooters affirm that the pictures look like them. The pastor was hit three times and is quadripalegic. On the night of last Friday, the 8th, he was transferred to a hospital in the United States, breathing with the help of machines. A bullet is still lodged in his jaw. The spokesman of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Filho, followed the transfer closely . An American airplane that functions as an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), took the pastor, accompanied only by pilots and doctors. According to them, John left Maceió with the beginnings of an infection, escorted for police units. "The doctors are dealing with the infection in order to, after that, be able to continue with other surgeries", they said, affirming that John is conscious and that he communicates with gestures. Because they are owners of rental units in the Inocoop subdivision, in the Tabuleiro do Martins, the renters of John David have become suspects. One of their number had not paid his rent in years. Another reason could have been juvenile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the pastor had moved five adolescents from the so-called "inferninhos" (little Hells)--bars that function as brothels.
Better Life for Children was Objective of Pastor John
The kindness that characterized the work of pastor John David Leonard, in the small city of Coqueiro Seco, is recognized by practically all the inhabitants, independent of religion. To give better quality of life to the children was his main objective. "In Alagoas, the pastor established four schools. In every one there is a sports court.", commented its friend, Jose Maurício. John has been in Brazil since 1995 and Coqueiro Seco since 2003. There he began a work directed towards the adolescents and young people with intention to move away them from drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of juvenile prostitution had existed here", said the educational counselor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "The pastor was an excellent person. He did not have any enemies around here ", she added. The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had asked for his support. "He thanked them, but he denied their request. He said that he would be ready to collaborate with whoever was successful; he did not want to get on anybody's bad side.", said Jose Maurício. On the 28th of April, the pastor John David travelled for U.S.A. to present to the American Mission of the Baptist Church a report of its activities in the Alagoan capital, but he had to return early because his son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken his femur. Having been back in Alagoas only 15 days, he was shot after a service he had just led. His son, who is studying theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in an undisclosed location, still recovering from the surgery on his leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescents.
This is an excellent description of the high concept John enjoyed in the community of Coqueiro Seco. Jim Leonard
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:51:00 PM
He is obviously greatly respected in the community. The Brazilian press tends to be somewhat anti-american, yet this article had nothing but praise for his ministry.
He is also greatly respected among the Brazilian churches and missionaries as a man who has a passion for the lost.
Andrew, at
Friday, July 15, 2005 2:44:00 PM
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