
Participating in the Baptist Mid-missions North American field conference was also a wonderful experience. We shared with them how that our Lord has given us strength and allowed us to be fruitful in times of great trials. The main verse we used is found in Second Timothy chapter 1 verse seven "For God hath not given us spirit of fear, but of power, and of love and of a sound mind."
During family camp, for the missions hour we used the life story of Brazilian believers to help us illustrate the message and theme for the week "turning the world upside down." We also had a Bible study with the young people every morning. Bev and I greatly enjoyed sharing with 51 young men and ladies.
Between now and when we will be medically released for our return to the mission field of Brazil (April, 2007) God has given us many opportunities to speak, share and minister.
We spend much time communicating with our churches in Brazil. Through your prayers God is giving them strength to face every challenge.
This is the first letter I have personally written since I was injured and am thrilled that I'm once again able communicate with you.
Thank you so much for your prayers. Be certain that our God will bless you for your time spent with Him.
Until next time:
Missionaries John and Beverly Leonard
Hi, John & Bev,
We're the Larsons from Austin. You met us at family camp at Clear Lake. Wondering about Josh? Anything recently? Still planning on school second semester? Anything specific to pray for right now? Jim/Julie are with us for missions conference this Friday thru Sunday.
Nancy Larson, at
Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:54:00 PM
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