This is the place to find the most updated information concerning Missionary John Leonard. Most recent post are written by the family themselves.

Saturday, July 09, 2005

John Leonard's Arrival Announced

Email to Church Body from Pastors at Saylorville Baptist Church:

Dear brethren,

John Leonard arrived in Methodist hospital at 11:30 am. He is in critical condition. Bev and family have met with the doctors and they have decided that they will need to further stabilize him for the next day or two at least, before attempting any surgery. Of immediate concern is his ability to breathe. Being in his condition for nearly a week has made this very difficult for him. Pray for the doctors as they assess his condition and prescribe the necessary means to help him.

A couple of items of praise to God. First, that he even made it here safely - it was a difficult trip and the staff on the airplane were outstanding in their efforts to keep him stable. Bev has seen him and he seems to recognize who it is that is talking to him. The best doctors available who would otherwise not be here on a Saturday, were all here. Bev has great family support here as well. Personally, I want to thank all of you, our church family, for your overwhelming response to this situation. Believe me, the family has been touched.

FYI, WHO TV interviewed me as John was coming into the hospital. There may be a story at 6 or 10 tonight on channel 13. Keep praying!

Pastors Pat and Kevin
James 5:17
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John Leonard's Arrival Predicted

Email to church Body from Pastors at Saylorville Baptist Church

SBC members,

This update is to let you know that John Leonard is in fact arriving in Des Moines this morning (Saturday July 9). Pray for his transition to Methodist Medical Center and for the team of doctors that will be assessing his condition. We do not know yet when he will have surgery - but we will let you know as soon as we do. Thanks so much for your prayers and for the many who volunteered to help with meals or housing.

Pastors Thomas and Nemmers
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Thursday, July 07, 2005

Crime can be on to prostitution

Article from Gazeta de Alagoas:

Original Portuguese:
Scroll Down for English

Crime pode estar ligado à prostituição

John David é transferido para os Estados Unidos com infecção


A polícia não descarta a possibilidade do atentado sofrido pelo pastor da Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco, John David Leonard, 45 anos, no domingo, dia 3, estar ligado ao trabalho que ele desenvolvia contra a prostituição infantil no município. “Não é a nossa principal linha de investigação, mas não excluímos esta alternativa”, disse a delegada que preside o inquérito, Geovânia Falcão, sem revelar em que direção a polícia tem encaminhado as diligências.

Polícia Americana
Na última semana, dois agentes do FBI (Polícia Federal dos Estados Unidos) estiveram em Maceió. Em reunião com o secretário de Defesa Social, Robervaldo Davino; com o diretor da Polícia Civil, Roberto Lisboa; e com a delegada Geovânia Falcão, eles quiseram saber como estão andando as investigações e em quais circunstâncias houve a tentativa de homicídio. O pastor John David tem dupla nacionalidade e na última sexta-feira (8) foi transferido para os Estados Unidos, com princípio de infecção, num vôo que durou cerca de 18 horas.

Dois retratos falados devem ser divulgados esta semana
Peritos da Polícia Federal terminaram de elaborar o retrato falado dos dois homens que atiraram no pastor John David Leonard em frente à Igreja Batista de Coqueiro Seco. Os desenhos serão divulgados logo após as testemunhas que descreveram os atiradores afirmarem que os retratos parecem com eles.

O pastor levou três tiros e ficou tetraplégico. Na noite da última sexta-feira, 8, foi transferido para um hospital dos Estados Unidos, respirando por aparelhos. Uma bala ainda está alojada em seu maxilar.

O procurador da família de Jonh David, José Maurício Filho, acompanhou de perto a transferência. Um avião americano que funciona como Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI), levou o pastor na companhia apenas de pilotos e médicos. Segundo ele, John deixou Maceió com início de infecção, escoltado por viaturas da polícia. “Os médicos estão tratando da infecção para, em seguida, realizarem outras cirurgias”, disse, afirmando que John está consciente e se comunica por gestos.

Por ser dono de casas de aluguel no Conjunto Inocoop, no Tabuleiro do Martins, os inquilinos de John David tornaram-se suspeitos. Entre eles, um devia as mensalidades há anos. Outro motivo pode ter sido a prostituição infantil. José Maurício disse que o pastor havia afastado cinco adolescentes dos chamados “inferninhos’, bares que funcionam como prostíbulo. CS

Vida melhor para crianças era objetivo do pastor John
A bondade com que trabalhava o pastor John David Leonard, na pequena cidade de Coqueiro Seco, é reconhecida por praticamente todos os moradores, independente de religiões. Dar melhores condições de vida para as crianças era seu principal objetivo. “Em Alagoas, o pastor fundou quatro escolas. Em todas elas, têm quadra de esportes”, comentou seu amigo, José Maurício.

John estava no Brasil desde 1995 e em Coqueiro Seco, desde 2003. Lá começou a fazer um trabalho direcionado aos adolescentes e jovens no intuito de afastá-los das drogas e da prostituição. “De fato, aqui já existiram casos de prostituição infantil”, disse a conselheira tutelar do município, Maria Ivone dos Santos. “O pastor era uma ótima pessoa. Não tinha nenhum inimigo por aqui”, completa ela.

A popularidade de John era tão grande na cidade que, nas últimas eleições para prefeito, os dois candidatos buscaram o seu apoio. “Ele agradeceu, mas negou. Disse que estaria pronto para colaborar com quem vencesse; não queria se indispor com ninguém”, contou José Maurício.

No dia 28 de abril, o pastor John David viajou para os EUA para apresentar à Missão Americana da Igreja Batista o relatório de suas atividades na capital alagoana, mas teve que antecipar sua volta porque seu filho, Josué Leonard, 19, havia caído e quebrado o fêmur. Com 15 dias que estava de volta a Alagoas, foi baleado após um culto que liderou. Seu filho, que estuda teologia em Maceió, continua na cidade, em local não revelado, ainda se recuperando da cirurgia que realizou na perna. John é casado e tem quatro filhos, todos adolescentes.CS

Translated to English via
Scroll Down for Human Translation

Crime can be on to prostitution

John David is transferred to the United States with infection


The police does not discard the possibility of the attempted against one suffered by the shepherd from the Church Baptist from Dry Coconut palm, John David Leonard, 45 years, in the sunday, day 3, to be on to the work that it developed against infantile prostitution in the city. "it is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the commission agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Hawk, without disclosing where direction the policy has directed the diligências.

American policy
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Policy of the United States) had been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; e with Geovânia commission agent Hawk, them had wanted to know as they are walking the inquiries and in which circumstances it had the homicide attempt. The shepherd John David has pair nationality and in the last friday (8) he was transferred to the United States, with principle of infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.

Two composite pictures must be divulged this week
Connoisseurs of the Federal Police had finished to elaborate the composite picture of the two men who had shot in the shepherd John David Leonard in front of the Church Baptist of Dry Coconut palm. The drawings will soon be divulged after the witnesses who had described the shooters to affirm that the pictures seem them.

The shepherd took three shots and was tetraplégico. In the night of the last friday, 8, were transferred to a hospital of the United States, breathing for devices. A bullet still is lodged in its maxilar.

The solicitor of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Son, folloied of close the transference. An American airplane that functions as Unit of Terapia Intensiva (UTI), took the shepherd in the company only of pilots and doctors. According to it, John left Maceió with beginning of infection, escorted for viaturas of the policy. "the doctors are dealing with the infection for, after that, to carry through other surgeries", said, affirming that John is conscientious and if he communicates for gestures.

For being owner of houses of rent in the Inocoop Set, in the Tray of the Martins, the lodgers of John David had become suspicious. Between them, one had the monthly fees has years. Another reason can have been infantile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the shepherd had moved away five adolescents from "the inferninhos ' calls, bars that function as brothel. CS

Better life for children was objective of the shepherd John
The goodness with that the shepherd worked John David Leonard, in the small city of Dry Coconut palm, is recognized for practically all the inhabitants, independent of religions. To give better conditions of life for the children was its main objective. "In Alagoas, the shepherd established four schools. In all they, have square of sports ", commented its friend, Jose Maurício.

John was in Brazil since 1995 and Dry Coconut palm, since 2003. There he started to make a work directed to the adolescents and young in intention to move away them from the drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of infantile prostitution had existed here", said the council member to tutor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "the shepherd was an excellent person. He did not have no enemy for ", here complete it.

The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had searched its support. "It was thankful, but he denied. It said that he would be ready to collaborate with who was successful; it did not want if indispor on nobody ", it counted Jose Maurício.

No day 28 of April, the shepherd John David travelled for U.S.A. to present à American Mission da Church Baptist the report of its activities na capital alagoana, but it had that to anticipate its return because its son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken fêmur. With 15 days that were in return the Alagoas, a cult was transferred after that it led. Its son, who studies theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in place not disclosed, still if recouping of the surgery that carried through in the leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescentes.CS

Translated to English via Human Translation:
Thanks to Andrew Comings

Crime Could be Linked to Prostitution

The police do not discount the possibility that the attempted murder of the Pastor of the Coqueiro Baptist Church, John David Leonard, 45, on Sunday, July 3rd, could be related to the work that he was doing to combat juvenile prostitution in the city. "It is not our main line of inquiry, but we do not exclude this alternative", said the agent who presides over the inquiry, Geovânia Falcão, without disclosing whate direction the police have directed their efforts.

American Police
In the last week, two agents of the FBI (Federal Police of the United States) have been in Maceió. In meeting with the secretary of Social Defense, Robervaldo Davino; with the director of the Civil Policy, Robert Lisbon; and with agent Geovânia Falcão, they had wanted to know how the inquiries are progressing and the circumstances surrounding the homicide attempt. The Pastor John David has dual nationality and last Friday (the 8th) he was transferred to the United States, with the beginnings of an infection, in a flight that lasted about 18 hours.

Two Composite Pictures Should be Divulged This Week
Experts from theFederal Police have finished drawing the composite picture of the two men who shot the Pasotr John David Leonard in front of the Coqueiro Seco Baptist Church. The drawings will be divulged as soon as the witnesses who had described the shooters affirm that the pictures look like them. The pastor was hit three times and is quadripalegic. On the night of last Friday, the 8th, he was transferred to a hospital in the United States, breathing with the help of machines. A bullet is still lodged in his jaw. The spokesman of the family of Jonh David, Jose Maurício Filho, followed the transfer closely . An American airplane that functions as an Intensive Care Unit (ICU), took the pastor, accompanied only by pilots and doctors. According to them, John left Maceió with the beginnings of an infection, escorted for police units. "The doctors are dealing with the infection in order to, after that, be able to continue with other surgeries", they said, affirming that John is conscious and that he communicates with gestures. Because they are owners of rental units in the Inocoop subdivision, in the Tabuleiro do Martins, the renters of John David have become suspects. One of their number had not paid his rent in years. Another reason could have been juvenile prostitution. Jose Maurício said that the pastor had moved five adolescents from the so-called "inferninhos" (little Hells)--bars that function as brothels.

Better Life for Children was Objective of Pastor John
The kindness that characterized the work of pastor John David Leonard, in the small city of Coqueiro Seco, is recognized by practically all the inhabitants, independent of religion. To give better quality of life to the children was his main objective. "In Alagoas, the pastor established four schools. In every one there is a sports court.", commented its friend, Jose Maurício. John has been in Brazil since 1995 and Coqueiro Seco since 2003. There he began a work directed towards the adolescents and young people with intention to move away them from drugs and prostitution. "In fact, already cases of juvenile prostitution had existed here", said the educational counselor of the city, Ivone Maria Dos Santos. "The pastor was an excellent person. He did not have any enemies around here ", she added. The popularity of John was so great in the city that, in the last elections for mayor, the two candidates had asked for his support. "He thanked them, but he denied their request. He said that he would be ready to collaborate with whoever was successful; he did not want to get on anybody's bad side.", said Jose Maurício. On the 28th of April, the pastor John David travelled for U.S.A. to present to the American Mission of the Baptist Church a report of its activities in the Alagoan capital, but he had to return early because his son, Joshua Leonard, 19, had fallen and broken his femur. Having been back in Alagoas only 15 days, he was shot after a service he had just led. His son, who is studying theology in Maceió, continues in the city, in an undisclosed location, still recovering from the surgery on his leg. John is married and has four children, all adolescents.
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This is an excellent description of the high concept John enjoyed in the community of Coqueiro Seco. Jim Leonard

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, July 14, 2005 9:51:00 PM  

He is obviously greatly respected in the community. The Brazilian press tends to be somewhat anti-american, yet this article had nothing but praise for his ministry.

He is also greatly respected among the Brazilian churches and missionaries as a man who has a passion for the lost.

By Blogger Andrew, at Friday, July 15, 2005 2:44:00 PM  

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Pastor Shot, Police guarantees pastor security

Article from Melodia:

Original Portuguese:

Pastor baleado

Polícia garante segurança de pastor

Policiais do Batalhão de Operações Especiais da Polícia Militar do Estado de Alagoas estão garantindo a segurança do pastor evangélico americano John David Leonard, internado na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) do Hospital Artur Ramos, em Maceió. De acordo com o último boletim médico, divulgado na noite desta quarta-feira, o estado do pastor ainda é grave. Leonard foi baleado na noite do último domingo, no município de Coqueiro Seco, cerca de 30 km da capital alagoana. O pastor mora nos Estados Unidos, mas veio para o Brasil a fim de acompanhar o tratamento médico do filho.

O pastor foi abordado por dois homens quando saía da Igreja Batista da cidade. Eles estavam, segundo testemunhas, em um Corsa de cor prata. Seis tiros foram disparados contra o pastor.

A polícia, que investiga o caso, ainda não possui uma linha de investigação definida. O prazo estabelecido para a entrega do inquérito deve ser prorrogado.

Fonte: Terra

Data: 07/07/2005

Translated to English via

Transferred shepherd

Police guarantees shepherd security

Policemen of the Battalion of Special Operations of the Military Police of the State of Alagoas are guaranteeing the security of the evangélico shepherd American John David Leonard, interned in the Unit of Tratamento Intensivo (UTI) of the Hospital Arthur Branches, in Maceió. In accordance with the last medical bulletin, divulged in the night of this Wednesday, the state of the shepherd still is serious. Leonard was transferred in the night of the last sunday, in the city of Dry Coconut palm, about 30 km of the alagoana capital. The shepherd deferred payment in the United States, but came to Brazil in order to follow the medical treatment of the son.

The shepherd was boarded for two men when he left the Church Baptist of the city. They were, according to witnesses, in a Corsa of color silver. Six shots had been gone off against the shepherd.

The police, that investigates the case, still does not possess a line of definite inquiry. The stated period established for the delivery of the inquiry must be extending.

Source: Terra

July 7th, 2005
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Prayer Request - Pray for needs of wounded missionary John Leonard, his family, and church

Article from Baptist Mid-Missions:

Pray for needs of wounded missionary John Leonard, his family, and church

John Leonard, wounded in a July 3 attack in Brazil (for more information see the July 7 news item "BMM missionary John Leonard attacked by gunmen in Brazil"), needs prayer that he will respond quickly and positively to the course of medication given to eradicate and prevent the spread of infection.

Josh Leonard, the oldest son of John Leonard, is remaining in Brazil to recuperate from his recent fractures and surgery. He is in the care of family and church members. Josh will most likely return to the United States to be with his parents, John and Bev, and his siblings later this month.

The Leonards have planted a church in Coqueiro Seco, Brazil. Pray for this congregation as they respond to God's grace following the attack on their pastor and as they plan how to wisely continue ministry for the Lord.
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News - BMM missionary John Leonard attacked by gunmen in Brazil

Article from Baptist Mid-Missions:

BMM missionary John Leonard attacked by gunmen in Brazil

On Sunday evening, July 3, 2005, John Leonard was the victim of an attempted murder and was critically wounded in the assault. Three men were waiting outside the church that John pastors in Coqueiro Seco, Brazil. When the evening service ended, two of the men entered the crowd of congregants and asked for Pastor John. When John identified himself, one of the men shot him three times. John was wounded in the face, jaw, arm, and most seriously in the 4th vertebrae of his spine. At this time he is paralyzed.

In a joint effort between Baptist Mid-Missions, John’s family, and his missionary colleagues in Brazil, an air ambulance is being dispatched to evacuate John to Des Moines, Iowa, where he will undergo surgery. He is expected to be in Des Moines by Friday, July 8, 2005. A conclusive long-term prognosis will not be offered until the surgery is complete and medical testing is finished. The doctors in Brazil feel he is sufficiently stable to be evacuated to the United States, but his condition is quite serious.

No suspects have yet been apprehended. We have no knowledge of why anyone would seek to harm John. The American Embassy is tracking the case, but our consuming concern in the days since John was injured has been to ensure he has the best possible medical care.

John’s wife, Bev, and their three youngest children are in the United States. John and their oldest son, Josh, were together in Brazil. Josh had remained in Brazil to attend Bible school when his family came to the U.S. for furlough this spring. Josh has been battling cancer for a few years and a few weeks ago developed health needs that necessitated John returning to Brazil to care for him. They had planned to come to the U.S. together on July 22.

Please pray for John and all of his family--for health, safety, and grace.
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News - Missionary shot in Brazil has local family connection

News Article from The Marysville Advocate:

Missionary shot in Brazil has local family connection

John Leonard, a Baptist missionary to Brazil, was shot three times by unknown assailants Sunday evening near a new church near the town of Maceió, Alagoas, in northeast Brazil.

Leonard, who is married to the former Bev Fincham, daughter of Keith and Donna Fincham, Marysville, was struck by three bullets and reportedly was paralyzed from the neck down.

According to Bev Leonard’s brother, Curt Fincham, Louisburg, Leonard was to be flown to Des Moines soon for medical treatment. Another brother, Allen Fincham, lives at Des Moines.

Nothing like that has happened before, Curt said. Though the missionaries said there had been some petty theft, they never felt threatened, he said.

Curt said that after the service, men in a car stopped and asked people if they could see Leonard.

They got out of the car and as they approached him shots were fired. An investigation is being conducted, Curt said.

The missionaries had been on furlough since April, Curt said, and had been reporting to churches that sponsored their missionary efforts, including Victory Baptist Church, Marysville. Leonard spoke there May 15 and at Winifred Baptist Church May 19.

The Leonards’ oldest son, Josh, who had been ill, fell and broke a hip and his father had gone to Brazil to see him while Bev and the other children, Jerrod, Jonna and Jeanne, were in Iowa.

July 7, 2005
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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Picture - The Leonards

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Prayer Request - FBC of Lake Orion

From Steve Sundberg (missionary to Brazil):

“W e recently learned that a fellow BM Mmissionary had been shot Sunday night. He was from another state in Brazil and had been on)furlough recently only returning to Brazil to take care of his son who had fallen and broken hiswrist, ankle and hip last week. This, evidently, is what happened. Three men waited in their carwhile the church service in Coqueiro Seco was going on. W hen it was over, two of them got outand approached the people asking for Pastor John. They then headed over to him and called hisname. W hen he turned to greet them, one of them shot him three times. O ne bullet broke someteeth and his jaw, another broke his arm. The third was fired after he had fallen to the groundand was evidently the one that hit his fourth vertebra. The church people did not recognize anyof the men. John Leonard is in the hospital at this point and unless God works a miracle, thedoctors are thinking he will be a quadriplegic. How can this happen? O ur seminary studentfriend told us that vengeance is strong here in Brazil and these kinds of things happen. Bev (hiswife) will be arriving on W ednesday. They have done a tomography and it will be necessary todo three major surgeries. His spinal column was severed and he will need a prosthesis put in sothat he will be able to sit up. It will not give any movement. Then they will have to do recon-structive surgery on his jaw, and finally on his arm. There is also a fragment of a bullet lodged inhis skull, though it is a simple procedure to remove that, at least in comparison to these otheroperations. The crime was announced on the news, which also reported that the local and statepolice are investigating. They already have suspects. If necessary, the family can ask the USConsulate to request the participation of the Federal Police as well. A special police unit is pro-viding protection at the hospital. Please keep John and Bev Leonard in your prayers.”
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Prayer Request - Missionary Seriously Injured in Shooting in Brazil

Article from GARBC:

July 06, 2005

Missionary Seriously Injured in Shooting in Brazil

John Leonard, Baptist Mid-Missons missionary to Brazil, was shot three times after a church service last Sunday in the town of Coqueiro Seco. John was in Brazil to care for his son, Joshua, who had recently broken his right ankle, right wrist, and hip from a fall and seizure. John was rushed to a public hospital about a half hour away in the capital city of Maceió. He was conscious and able to talk, and the doctors said that his condition was not life threatening. A missionary from another agency stayed with him during the night.

Please pray for the following requests:

  1. for God's grace and help for John and for his wife Bev and their three children who are in the States;
  2. for God's help in working out the legal hurdles for John and Josh to leave Brazil;
  3. for wisdom for those who are making the decisions as to where John should receive medical care;
  4. for the doctors who will perform the surgery;
  5. for God to use this event for the furtherance of the gospel in Brazil.

Arrangements are being made to transport John and Josh back to the United States for medical care.

Evidently, during the church service three men waited outside of the church in a car. When the service concluded, two of the men entered the church, asking for Pastor John. When John turned to greet them, they fired two shots. One bullet grazed his neck and broke some teeth, and the other bullet hit his arm. After he fell to the ground, one of the gunmen fired another shot that severed his spinal cord. It appears that he is paralyzed in both arms and legs. The gunmen ran from the church and got away in a car. One of the members of a church John organized in Maceió is a police official and was able to get police protection placed around the hospital.

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Prayer Request - Urgent Prayer Request from Josiah

Posted on a Web Forum - University of Iowa Campus Bible Fellowship:

Dear Prayer Partners,

My dad, Jim Leonard, asked me to write this urgent prayer note. Last night John Leonard, my uncle who is also a missionary in Brazil, was shot three times after a church service in the town of Coqueiro Seco. He was rushed to a public hospital about a half an hour away in the capital city of Maceió. He is conscious and able to talk every once in a while, and the doctors have said that his condition is not life threatening. A missionary from another agency has been with him all night.

Evidently, while the church service in Coqueiro Seco was going on, three men waited outside of the church in a car. When the service was over, two of the men went in asking for Pastor John. When John turned to greet them they fired two shots. One bullet grazed his neck and broke some teeth and the other bullet hit his arm. After he fell to the ground one of the gunmen fired another shot into his back and this shot hit his fourth vertebrae. It appears that he is paralyzed in both arms and legs. The gunmen ran from the church and got away in the car. None of the attempters were recognized by any of the church people or townsfolk standing out in front of the church.

One of the members of the last church they organized in Maceió is a police official and was able to get police protection placed around the hospital.

John has not yet undergone surgery, but he will have to do so soon. The family along with representatives from the mission are determining whether or not John should be airlifted to another city where John would be in a more secure environment and where there would be a better trauma team for surgery. The local doctors are concerned for further damage if he is moved.

Please pray for strength for him and for Bev (his wife) and their threechildren who are in Kansas. The reason John was back in Brazil was to care for their oldest son Joshua who had recently broken his right ankle, right wrist, and hip from a fall and seizure. His plan was to bring Joshua back to the United States on July 22. Josh is being well cared for and is safe.

Please pray for God to direct those who are making the decisions as to where John should receive medical care, and pray for the doctors. Also pray that this will be used of God for the furtherance of the Gospel.

Thank you for your prayers,
Josiah, for Jim & Julie Leonard

Baptist Mid-Missions, Northeast Brazil

Prayer Warriors! Put on your spiritual armor, get on your knees, and get in the battle! PRob
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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Pair tries to kill after cultured American shepherd

Article from Gazeta de Alagoas:

Original Portuguese:
Scroll Down for English

Dupla tenta matar pastor americano após culto

John antecipou retorno dos EUA para cuidar de filho doente


Uma tentativa de homicídio, com característica de crime premeditado, abalou os moradores do pequeno município de Coqueiro Seco, situado a 32 quilômetros de Maceió. Por volta das 20 horas do último domingo, depois de liderar um culto religioso na Igreja Batista da Vitória, o pastor evangélico John David Leonard, 45 anos, foi atingido por três tiros a uma distância inferior a dois metros. John ficou tetraplégico e corria risco de morte.

Segundo testemunhos, dois homens se aproximaram da igreja e perguntaram a um evangélico quem seria o pastor John. “Eles apertaram a minha mão, pensando que eu era o pastor e colocaram a arma na minha cabeça, foi quando eu disse que não era o pastor. Eles me perguntaram quem seria e eu apontei. Em seguida, ouvi os disparos. Fechei os olhos para não ver. Foi horrível”, relatou uma testemunha que preferiu não se identificar.

De acordo com esta testemunha, após confirmarem quem seria o pastor, os dois homens também o cumprimentaram e deflagraram pelo menos seis tiros. Três deles atingiram o braço esquerdo, o pescoço e a mandíbula da vítima, que, ontem, já havia se submetido a uma cirurgia na Unidade de Emergência Armando Lages, em Maceió. À noite ele foi transferido para o Hospital Arthur Ramos.

Segundo relatos, depois do ocorrido, os homens saíram tranqüilamente com o rosto exposto e fugiram num veículo do tipo Corsa, de cor prata, mas de placa ainda não identificada pela polícia.

Uma adolescente, que também não quis se identificar, disse que os dois homens estavam bebendo no bar da “Kika”, localizado nas proximidades de onde houve a tentativa de homicídio e teriam pedido papel e caneta à dona do estabelecimento. “Soube que eles anotaram dois nomes e disseram que um já havia morrido e outro iria morrer naquele momento. Logo depois eles atiraram no pastor”, contou. Ela informou ainda que no momento do crime várias crianças estavam no local correndo risco de serem atingidas.

Davi Olindo de Freitas, dono de um estabelecimento comercial que fica na frente da igreja, contou que ouviu os tiros e soube somente depois que o pastor teria sido atingido. “Por coincidência, nesse dia fechei as portas do mercadinho mais cedo”.

Crime foi encomendado, diz delegada
Mesmo com medo duas testemunhas prestaram depoimento ontem à delegada de Coqueiro Seco, Geovânia Ribeiro Falcão: o caseiro de John David Leonard e a pessoa que presenciou os tiros sendo deflagrados.

“Iniciamos as diligências agora e não posso falar muito para não atrapalhar o andamento das investigações. O que posso adiantar é que foi um crime premeditado, feito por encomenda e que não foi praticado por pessoas da cidade”, disse Geovânia Falcão.

O fato de os homens responsáveis pela deflagração dos tiros desconhecerem o pastor e necessitarem da indicação de moradores reforça a hipótese de que o crime foi praticado por encomenda, segundo a delegada.De acordo com Geovânia Falcão, como não existe um motivo aparente para o atentado, todos estão na condição de suspeitos. Ela não descartou a possibilidade de a tentativa de homicídio ter sido por motivação política. “Não descartamos nenhuma hipótese. Por enquanto todos são suspeitos. Essas pessoas foram com a certeza de que encontrariam o pastor no local”, acrescentou.

Provas do crime
Os levantamentos iniciais da polícia apontam que o revólver utilizado pelos homens na tentativa de assassinar o pastor era uma pistola calibre 38. O veículo usado pela dupla para fugir, provavelmente, foi roubado, segundo a delegada, pois estava com o pára-brisa quebrado.

A delegada ressaltou que pode pedir a ajuda da Polícia Federal (PF) para investigar o caso, já que a vítima tinha dupla nacionalidade.

“Sem dúvida vai ser difícil de solucionar essa tentativa de homicídio, pois não existe motivo aparente. A certeza mesmo é de que eles queriam matar o pastor pois mesmo depois dele caído, continuaram atirando”, acrescentou a titular da delegacia de Coqueiro Seco. RC

John realizava trabalhos sociais e com drogados
O pastor John David Leonard tem dupla nacionalidade. Filho de norte-americanos, ele nasceu no Ceará. Estava morando há quase um ano em Coqueiro Seco, onde desenvolvia trabalhos sociais, inclusive tirando jovens do vício das drogas.

No município, ele fundou a Igreja Batista da Vitória e morava em uma casa nos fundos do prédio, com a esposa e quatro filhos. Segundo moradores, a iniciativa de John em fundar uma igreja evangélica contribuiu para aumentar o número de adeptos da religião no município.Há alguns dias o pastor estava nos Estados Unidos (EUA) com a esposa e três filhos, para prestar contas do trabalho desenvolvido no município e somente iria voltar a Alagoas no próximo ano. Entretanto, seu filho George Leonard, 19 anos, que ficou em Coqueiro Seco, sofreu um acidente em casa e teve o fêmur quebrado, o que antecipou a sua volta. “Ele veio ver o filho e iria levá-lo para Juazeiro, onde faria um curso para ser pastor”, contou o morador Davi Olindo.

O pastor também atua como missionário no município de Rio Largo e no Conjunto Graciliano Ramos, em Maceió. RC

Translated to English via
Scroll Down for Human Translation

Pair tries to kill after cultured American shepherd

John anticipated return of U.S.A. to take care of of sick son


A homicide attempt, with characteristic of deliberate crime, shook the inhabitants of the small city of Dry, situated Coconut palm the 32 kilometers of Maceió. By return of the 20 hours of the last sunday, after leading a religious group in the Church Baptist of the Victory, the evangélico shepherd John David Leonard, 45 years, was reached by three shots to an inferior distance the two meters. John was tetraplégico and ran death risk.

According to certifications, two men if had approached to the church and had asked to a evangélico who would be the shepherd John. "They had pressed my hand, thinking that I age the shepherd and had placed the weapon in my head, were when I said that he was not the shepherd. They had asked who to me would be and I pointed. After that, I heard the detonations. I closed the eyes not to see. It was horrible ", told a witness whom it preferred not to identify itself.

In accordance with this witness, after to confirm who would be the shepherd, the two men also had complimented it and deflagraram at least six shots. Three of them had reached the left arm, the neck and the jaw of the victim, whom, yesterday, already if it had submitted to a surgery in the Unit of Emergency Seting Lages, in Maceió. To the night it was transferred to the Arthur Hospital Branches.

According to stories, after the occurrence, the men had left calmly with the displayed face and had run away in a vehicle of the Corsa type, color silver, but of plate still not identified by the police.

An adolescent, who also did not want to identify itself, said that the two men were drinking in the bar of the "Kika", located in the neighborhoods of where he had the homicide attempt and would have asked for to paper and penxs to the owner of the establishment. "It knew that they had written down two names and had said that one already had died and another one would go to die at that moment. Soon later them they had shot in the shepherd ", counted. It still informed that at the moment of the crime some children were in the place running risk to be reached.

Davi Olindo de Freitas, owner of a commercial establishment that is in the front of the church, counted that it heard the shots and it only knew later that the shepherd would have been reached. "For coincidence, in this day I closed the doors of the small market more early".

Crime was ordered, says Exactly delegated with fear two witnesses had given deposition yesterday to the commission agent of Dry Coconut palm, Geovânia Ribeiro Hawk: the caretaker of John David Leonard and the person who witnessed the shots being deflagrados.

"We initiate the diligências now and I cannot speak very not to confuse the course of the inquiries. What I can advance is that it was a deliberate crime, made by order and that was not practised by people of the city ", said Geovânia Hawk.

The fact of the responsible men for the deflagration of the shots to be unaware of the shepherd and to need the indication of inhabitants strengthens the hypothesis of that the crime was practised by order, according to delegada.De agreement with Geovânia Hawk, as an apparent reason for the attempted against one does not exist, all is in the condition of suspected. It did not discard the possibility of the homicide attempt to have been for motivation politics. "we do not discard no hypothesis. For the time being all are suspected. These people had been with the certainty of whom they would find the shepherd in the place ", added.

Tests of the crime the initial surveys of the policy point that the gun used for the men in the attempt to assassinate the shepherd was a pistol bore 38. The used vehicle for the pair to run away, probably, was stolen, according to delegated, therefore it was with the broken windscreen.

The commission agent standed out that she can ask for the aid of Polícia Federal (PF) to investigate the case, since the victim had pair nationality.

"Without a doubt it goes to be difficult to solve this attempt of homicide, therefore it does not exist apparent reason. The same certainty is of that they wanted to exactly kill the shepherd therefore after fallen it, had continued shooting ", added the bearer of the police station of Dry Coconut palm. RC

John carried through drugged social works and with
The shepherd John David Leonard has pair nationality. Son of North Americans, it was born in the Ceará. He was liveing has one year in Dry Coconut palm almost, where he developed social works, also taking off young of the vice of the drugs.

In the city, it it established the Church Baptist of the Victory and liveed in a house in the deep ones of the building, with the wife and four children. According to inhabitants, the initiative of John in establishing a evangélica church contributed to increase the number of adepts of the religion in município.Há some days the shepherd was in the United States (U.S.A.) with the wife and three children, to give accounts of the work developed in the city and would only go to come back the Alagoas in the next year. However, its son George Leonard, 19 years, that were in Dry Coconut palm, suffered an accident in house and had fêmur broken, what he anticipated its return. "It came to see the son and would go to take it for Juazeiro, where he would make a course to be shepherd", the inhabitant Davi Olindo counted.

The shepherd also acts as missionary in the city of Wide River and the Graciliano Set Branches, in Maceió. RC

Translated to English via Human Translation:
Thanks to Andrew Comings

Duo Tries to Kill American Pastor After Service

John moved up his return from the U.S.A. to take care of sick son.


A homicide attempt, with characteristics of a premeditated crime, shook the inhabitants of the small city of Coqueiro Seco, situated 32 kilometers from Maceió. At about 8 p.m. last sunday, after leading a religious service in the Victory Baptist Church, the evangelical pastor John David Leonard, 45, was hit by three shots at a distance of less than two meters. John was rendered quadripalegic and at risk of dying.

According to witnesses, two men approached the church and had asked an evangelical which one was pastor John. "They had shook my hand, thinking that I was the pastor, and placed a gun to my head. That was when I said that I was not the pastor. They asked me who was the pastor, and I pointed. After that, I heard the shots. I closed the eyes so I wouldn't see. It was horrible.", said a witness who preferred not to identify himself.

According to this witness, after they confirmed who the pastor was, the two men also greeted him and then got off at least six shots. Three of them hit the left arm, the neck and the jaw of the victim, who, as of yesterday, had undergone surgery in the Armando Lages Emergency Unit , in Maceió. That night he was transferred to the Arthur Ramos Hospital.

According to witnesses, after the shooting, the men left calmly with uncovered faces and escaped in a silver, Corsa-type vehicle of the Corsa model, but with a license plate still unidentified by the police.

An adolescent, who also did not want to identify himself, said that the two men were drinking in the "Kika" bar, located in the neighborhood of where homicide attempt happened, and had asked for paper and pen from the owner of the establishment. "I knew that they had written down two names and had said that one already had died and another one would die very soon. Soon afterward they had shot the pastor", she recounted. She also said that at the moment of the crime some children were in the area, in danger of being shot as well.

Davi Olindo de Freitas, owner of a commercial establishment that is in the front of the church, recounted that he heard the shots and it only knew later that the pastor had been shot. "By coincidence, on this day I closed the doors of the market more early".

Crime was Ordered, Police Chief
Even though they were afraid, two witnesses had given depositions yesterday to the agent of Coqueiro Seco, Geovânia Ribeiro Falcão: John David Leonard's caretaker and the person who witnessed the shots being fired.

"We have initiated the investigation now and I cannot speak very much now so as not to impede the course of the inquiries. What I can say now is that it was a deliberate crime, that it was a paid hit, and that was not carried out by people of the city ", said Geovânia Falcão.

The fact that the men responsible for the shootings did not know the pastor and needed the inhabitants to point him out strengthens the hypothesis that the crime was ordered by someone else, according to chief. In accordance with Geovânia Falcão, as an apparent motive for the attempt does not exist, all possibilities are being examined. She did not discount the possibility that the homicide attempt might have political motivations. "We do not discount any hypothesis. For the time being all are suspect. These people went with the certainty that they would find the pastor at that place," she added.

Proofs of the Crime
The initial police surveys point that the gun used by the men in the murder attempt on the pastor was a 38 pistol. The vehicle used by the pair to escape, was probably stolen, according to cheif, because it had a broken windshield. The agent emphasized that she can ask for the aid of Federal Police (PF) to investigate the case, since the victim had dual nationality.

"Without a doubt it is going to be difficult to solve this attempted homicide, because there is no apparent reason. The thing that is certain is of that they wanted to kill the pastor, because after he had fallen, they continued shooting ", added the police chief of Coqueiro Seco.

John Carried On Social Works and Worked With Drug Addicts
Pastor John David Leonard has dual nationality. Son of North Americans, he was born in the Ceará. He had been living for almost one year in Coqueiro Seco , where he developed social programs, including getting young people off drugs.

In the city, he established Victory Baptist Church and lived in a house at the back of the building, with his wife and four children. According to inhabitants, the work John did in establishing an evangelical church contributed to an increase number of followers of the religion in the city. For a few days the pastor had been in the United States with his wife and three children, to give reports of the work developed in the city, and he would only be coming back to Alagoas the next year. However, his son George Leonard, 19 years, who was in Coqueiro Seco, suffered an accident in house and had a broken femur, which cause him to return earlier than planned. "He came to see his son, and was going to take him to Juazeiro, where he would be studying to be a pastor", resident Davi Olindo recounted.

The pastor also carries out missionary work in the city of Rio Largo and the Graciliano Ramos, in Maceió.
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Que bom ver a recuperação do Pastor. Que Deus continue abençoando sua vida.

By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, July 30, 2005 8:00:00 AM  

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Letter to Church

Letter to the Church Body from Pastor Pat Nemmers:

Dear Brethren,

Just a short update on the John Leonard situation. As you know by now, John was shot Sunday night, apparently by 2 or 3 assailants. He was rushed by car to a public hospital in Maceio. Eventually they were able to get him to a much better hospital in the same city. He suffered 3 gun shot wounds, the most critical being one that apparently entered his mouth and lodged in his 4th vertebra. A cat scan yesterday revealed the bullet will not be easy to extract. Furthermore, the damage done is indeed serious. John is currently paralyzed and from what we know it will be a true act of God for this to be reversed. This of course is what we are asking, if He is willing, our God to do.

Bev, along with Trudy Paulson, will be leaving for Brazil at 4:30 this afternoon. Be in prayer for them as they make their way to John's side. Praise the Lord that Trudy can be with Bev. Bev is very encouraged that she is able to come along. The children (except for Josh who is there) will remain in the states for now. Suffice it to say we are staying as close to this as we possibly can and as a church will remain ready to help in any way we can.

There are many questions that are being asked, some of which we know the answers, others we simply have to trust God who knows all things. As to the perpetrators of this crime, I am told that they were not recognized and sadly, a very low percentage of those who commit such acts in Brazil are ever caught. Troubling as that may seem, we must not forget that our God is just, and He will deal with those involved as He deems fit. As to why they would have done such a thing, the only explanation I can think of is the Gospel. Jesus said, "A time is coming when anyone who kills you will think he is offering a service to God." John 16:2. This area of Brazil is strongly Roman Catholic. If you will recall John himself told us that they even worship former priests in their respective communities. When we were there a year and a half ago and opened up this new work a great number from the town filled the church. Many souls were saved during that time. I cannot help but think that the opposition was already scheming. The apostle Paul told us that "all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution." and our brother John is a direct recipient of such. What will happen after this we simply don't know. It's way too early to try and speculate what will happen in the near future. For now, we pray.
Thank you for your prayers and overflowing support for John and his dear family.

Serving Him-to the end,
Pastor Nemmers
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Monday, July 04, 2005

Copy of an Instant Message Conversation on dO the dOOdle

Copy of an Instant Message Conversation on dO the dOOdle


I just got word from Andrew that John Leonard (jim leonard's brother .. i met jim while in brazil) was shot.. here is what i was told
[17:02] Cool Dude: hey, do you remember jim leonard?
[17:02] DoOdLe BoB 8289: yes
[17:02] DoOdLe BoB 8289: i remember him
[17:02] Cool Dude: he has a brother named john who is also a bmm missionary in brazil
[17:02] DoOdLe BoB 8289: did i meet john down in brazil?
[17:02] Cool Dude: anyways, yesterday, john was in a church service in brazil
[17:03] Cool Dude: i don't think so
[17:03] Cool Dude: after the service yesterday, three guys came in looking for him
[17:03] Cool Dude: when he turned around to greet them, they shot him three times
[17:03] Cool Dude: he is in the hospital the moment he is paralyzed from the neck down
[17:03] DoOdLe BoB 8289: whoa!
[17:04] DoOdLe BoB 8289: why did they shoot him?
[17:04] Cool Dude: yeah
[17:04] Cool Dude: nobody knows
[17:04] DoOdLe BoB 8289: dude!
[17:04] Cool Dude: but they were obviously looking for him
[17:04] Cool Dude: they went into the church asking for pastor john
[17:04] Cool Dude: my guess is that he did something to upset somebody, and they took it personally
[17:04] DoOdLe BoB 8289: ... man..
[17:04] DoOdLe BoB 8289: just right there in the church?
[17:05] Cool Dude: yep
[17:06] Cool Dude: nobody seemed to know who the gunmen were...or if they knew, they weren't talking
[17:06] DoOdLe BoB 8289: yeah.. i wouldnt talk either
[17:07] Cool Dude: they shot him twice--in the arm and one that grazed his teeth.
[17:07] Cool Dude: then, when he fell down, they shot him in the back
[17:07] Cool Dude: that is the shot that paralyzed him

pray for the missionaries in brazil and for their safety

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Pair shoots against American shepherd in Alagoas

Article from Folha Online:

Original Portugese:

04/07/2005 - 12h51
Dupla atira contra pastor americano em Alagoas

da Folha Online

O pastor americano John David Leonard, 45, foi ferido a tiros neste final de semana em Coqueiro Seco (AL). Ele estava na porta da igreja Batista, com outras pessoas, quando foi baleado.

Segundo a delegada Geovania Falcão, dois homens que ocupavam um Corsa prata perguntaram pelo pastor antes de atirar. "Dois homens desconhecidos na cidade procuraram identificar quem seria o pastor John e, logo em seguida, dispararam vários tiros", disse.

Leonard foi internado em estado grave. A delegada afirma que já tem hipóteses para o crime, mas não divulgou para não atrapalhar as investigações.

Segundo ela, o pastor iniciou um trabalho missionário na cidade há três anos, voltou para os Estados Unidos há dois meses e retornou à cidade há uma semana --o objetivo seria resolver problemas pessoais.

Translated to English via

July 4th, 2005 - 12:51pm

Pair shoots against American shepherd in Alagoas

by Folha Online

The American shepherd John David Leonard, 45, was wounded the shots in this end of week in Coqueiro Seco (AL). It was in the door of the church Baptist, with other people, when he was transferred.

According to delegated Geovania Hawk, two men who occupied a Corsa silver had asked for the shepherd before shooting. "Two unknown men in the city had looked for to identify who would be the shepherd John and, then after that, some shots had gone off", said.

Leonard was interned in serious state. The commission agent affirms that already she has hypotheses for the crime, but did not divulge not to confuse the inquiries.

According to it, the shepherd initiated a work missionary in the city has three years, he came back toward the United States he has two months and he returned to the city has one week - it objective he would be to decide personal problems.
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A letter from Ray & Annette Ronk

A letter from Ray & Annette Ronk:

Please pray for our colleague, John Leonard. This news reached us this morning. (Monday) "I am writing to inform you that there was an attempt on John Leonard's life tonight (Sunday). Praise the Lord, he survived, but is paralyzed. Unless there is a miraculous recovery, he will be quadriplegic. However, he is lucid and is able to talk.This, evidently, is what happened. Three men waited in their car while the church service in Coqueiro Seco (Northeastern Brasil) was going on. When it was over, two of them got out and approached the people asking for Pastor John. They then headed over to him and called his name. When he turned to greet them, one of them shot him three times. One bullet broke some teeth, another grazed his neck (or broke his arm?, though I may be confusing that with the one that hit the jaw). The third was fired after he had fallen and was evidently the one that hit his fourth vertebra. The church people did not recognize any of the men.John is now in a hospital in Maceio. He is not in any life-threatening medical condition, however, one of the men in the church in the Graciliano Ramos bairro is a police official and placed several policemen in the hospital as protection." John, his wife Bev and three of their four children were on furlough in the States. Their other son, Joshua, was in Brazil and was to go to Bible school in August here in Brazil. Joshua had some serious health needs (fell and broke his wrist, then had a seizure and fell and broke his hip - he is on six months bed rest) and John came down to help him and take him back to the States. So, that is why John was in Brazil at this time.Our Administrator at Baptist Mid-Missions, VW Peters, said that they are trying to airlift John to Fortaleza, where there is a new trauma center. As you can imagine there are many decisions and concerns. Thank you for praying. We praise the Lord for your faithfulness!

In His service, Ray and Annette Ronk~~~~~

We would like to thank all of you for your prayers and for the words of comfort and encouragement you have sent. Please continue to pray for the Leonard family and for their church family. We praise the Lord for your faithfulness!

Continuing in His service, Ray and Annette Ronk
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Critical Prayer Needs

This is the first email from the Church Leadership to the Church Body:

Members of SBC,

There are two very serious prayer needs that we need to take before the Lord in prayer at this time. The first one involves our missionary to Brazil, John Leonard. He had returned to Brazil to help his son Joshua who had fallen and broken his hip. Last night, John was preaching in his church in Brazil. After the service, an apparent pre-meditated gunman shot him 3 times. He was shot in the face, arm and neck. He is in a free clinic situation right now and needs to be moved to a hospital where he can receive Intensive Care. He has no feeling in his arms and legs. Apparently a bullet is lodged in his spinal cord around the neck area. He also needs surgery but the doctors do not want to move him. This is a very difficult situation - he and the family need ferverent and diligent prayer. Bev is currently with family in the Kansas City area and is trying to get tickets to be by John's side. A missionary friend, Don Anderson is with John at this time. John is conscious but in much pain. Pastor Nemmers and myself have been in constant contact with the Fincham's (Bev's family) and will send information out as we can. Also keep in mind that we are getting information 2nd and 3rd hand. Already some information was wrong that we received initially. What is listed above is current to the best of our knowledge by 10:00 am today (the 4th) In my devotions this morning I was reading in Acts 12 - the story of Peter's imprisonment. Verse 5 states "So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him." We all know the story, how God intervened on Peter's behalf - a direct answer to prayer. Please be faithful to pray for these great needs.

Thank you.
Pastor Kevin
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Letter to Missions Team

This letter is from the webmaster of to the Missions team:

Lucas just called me and asked me to forward this info to you:

John Leonard, the missionary our church supports from Brazil, recently went back to Brazil to take care of his son that was recently injured. While home he was preaching last night, Sunday night, and after the service someone tried to shoot him 3 times in the head. I think one missed, one hit him in the face and one is lodged in the back of his head. He is currently paralyzed from the neck down and is in a "free clinic" in Brazil and we don't have much access to him. His wife is still here in Kansas City. Basically this letter is to inform you and ask for prayers, for John to recover, specifically to recover from being paralyzed. Also for his son who is there injured. For his family here. For his son's safety and the churches there. Pray that God will provide a doctor capable of taking care of John or a way for us to get him to a better hospital. This is all I know for now and I will keep you updated. Lucas is still in Texas, pray for his safe trip home.

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North American shepherd is wounded in the AL interior

Article from Ultimo Segundo:

Original Portuguese :

Pastor norte-americano é ferido no interior de AL

Agencia Nordeste

10:23 04/07

MACEIÓ - O pastor John David Leonard, de 45 anos, foi ferido com três tiros, quando estava na porta da Igreja Batista da Vitória, no bairro de Brasília, no município de Coqueiro Seco, a 32 quilômetros de Maceió. O pastor foi atingido pelos disparos no sábado à noite, quando três pessoas em um Corsa prata atiraram e fugiram.

As outras pessoas que estavam próximas do local não se feriram. Segundo testemunhos de outros pastores da igreja Batista, John David é o responsável pela igreja e foi um dos fundadores da mesma no município. Ninguém soube afirmar os motivos que poderiam ter influenciado o crime. O pastor foi socorrido e está internado na Unidade de Emergência Armando Lages, em estado grave.

Leonard foi baleado no braço esquerdo, pescoço e na mandíbula. A delegada responsável pelo caso, Giovana Falcão, não possui nenhuma informação a respeito do paradeiro dos atiradores.

Translated to English via

North American shepherd is wounded in the AL interior

Northeast Agencia

July 4th, 2005 10:23am

MACEIÓ - The shepherd John David Leonard, of 45 years, was wounded with three shots, when she was in the door of the Church Baptist of the Victory, in the quarter of Brasilia, the city of Dry Coconut palm, the 32 kilometers of Maceió. The shepherd was reached by the detonations in Saturday to the night, when three people in a Corsa silver had shot and run away.

The other people who were next to the place not had wounded. According to certifications of other shepherds of the church Baptist, John David is the responsible one for the church and was one of the founders of the same one in the city. Nobody knew to affirm the reasons that could have influenced the crime. The shepherd was helped and is interned in the Unit of Emergency Seting Lages, in serious state.

Leonard was transferred in the left arm, neck and in the jaw. The responsible commission agent for the case, Giovana Hawk, does not possess no information regarding the paradeiro of the shooters.
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