Baptist Missionary Paralyzed After Being Shot In Brazil
Article from WCHS - TV8:
Baptist Missionary Paralyzed After Being Shot In Brazil
A Baptist missionary who's hospitalized in Iowa may remain paralyzed from the neck down after being shot by gunmen outside the church he founded in Brazil.
Officials at a Des Moines church that supports John Leonard's mission work say he was shot in the face, arm and back after preaching a sermon on July third.
The 45-year-old Leonard was flown to Iowa this past weekend.
He's been a missionary for two decades in Brazil, where he's started several churches.
The vice president of Baptist Mid-Missions, the mission agency to which Leonard belongs, says organized crime leaders may have arranged the shooting. He says Leonard was working to rehabilitate drug addicts and -- as a result -- drug dealers may have believed he had information on them.
The Reverend Kevin Thomas, associate pastor, Saylorville Baptist Church, in interview Thomas says John Leonard is a godly man.
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Baptist Missionary Paralyzed After Being Shot In Brazil
A Baptist missionary who's hospitalized in Iowa may remain paralyzed from the neck down after being shot by gunmen outside the church he founded in Brazil.
Officials at a Des Moines church that supports John Leonard's mission work say he was shot in the face, arm and back after preaching a sermon on July third.
The 45-year-old Leonard was flown to Iowa this past weekend.
He's been a missionary for two decades in Brazil, where he's started several churches.
The vice president of Baptist Mid-Missions, the mission agency to which Leonard belongs, says organized crime leaders may have arranged the shooting. He says Leonard was working to rehabilitate drug addicts and -- as a result -- drug dealers may have believed he had information on them.
The Reverend Kevin Thomas, associate pastor, Saylorville Baptist Church, in interview Thomas says John Leonard is a godly man.
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Dear Leonard Family (John, Bev, Jim, Julie, and MK's),
Just a note to let you know we have been praying for you folks, and will continue to lift you before our Father's throne in prayer! We are thankful for what God has done, and continues to do. May He use you in a great and mighty way in the hospital as a testimony for Him!
In Christ's love,
Bob & Deb Thompson
Jennifer, Julie, Joy, Jessica
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 21, 2005 8:28:00 AM
Good morning John and Bev and family,
Just a note to remind you that we continue to pray for you and think about you so very much. Also praying that Josh will be in Des Moines soon.
We rejoice with you in what our Lord is doing in your body John and praise our Lord for the 8 souls that were saved and I'm sure there will be more.
God be with you and meet your every need. We love you all and so glad we could be internet friends and looking forward to having a real visit soon. Psalms 118:24 Bob and Phyllis
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 21, 2005 9:47:00 AM
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