I wish I could write to each of you who have sent notes, phoned, and prayed
for us. Because I've been caring for John 24 hours a day I just have not
been able to do so. Thank you for your patience in this matter.
I would like to thank each of you for all that you have done to encourage
our family. Your PRAYERS have meant so much! Be assured that God is
answering. Let me share just a few of those answers in this small "log of
miracles" that have happened since July 3rd.
July 3rd - I was told that John was OK, but if he was tranferred from the
public hospital to another better hospital there in Macei� he may not live.
He made the transfer, and he lived.
July 8th - I was told that John was "still stable", but that there was a
good chance he may not be ab le to make the long trip from Brazil to Des
Moines, IA. HE MADE IT from Brazil to Des Moines (3 stops and three
transfers, one from ambulance to plane, one between planes, and another from
plane to ambulance), and he lived.
July 9th - The doctors at Iowa Methodist analyzed John's condition and told
us that they were not sure if he would live through the night. HE MADE IT
through the night.
July 10th - A doctor told me that John's ventilator was very likely
permanent, as he would never be able to get off of it. Seven days later he
was off of the ventilator for good, and breathing on his own.
July 12th - We were told John was paralyzed from the neck down. A few days
later John moved his right arm some, and has involuntary movements in his
All of the nurses and doctors have been "amazed" over and over again with
the quick progress John has made. We are "amazed" as well, but not at John
-- just at our Amazing God, Who has placed His hand on John's life in a very
special way during this time. Why has this happened. We know that God can
do what He wants to when He wants to, but we believe that many times He
waits to bless His people until they ask. And that is exactly what you all
have done. You have stormed heaven on John's behalf. You have asked and we
have received. Thank you so much.
Please don't quit praying yet. God is still not through with working in
John's life.
Beverly Leonard
Bev and John, What a blessing it was to read your e-mail...and even though we were aware of many of these happenings..it was such a blessing to sit here and read them. I copied them to save with the letters you wrote while in Brazil. I will also send your letter to my brother in southern Mo. whose church is also praying for you all.
God is faithful to meet our every need and your family is a testimony to that promise.
Psalm 118:24 We love all of you and you are much in our prayers for God's healing hand upon both John and Josh and special strength and encouragement for you all. Bob and Phyllis
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Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:17:00 AM
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