John Still Battles Infection
John has not been able to continue rehabilitation, because of a persistent
fever caused by infection in his body. Last night the doctors think they
have located the source of the infection. This has been the first apparent
set-back after more than one month of constant advances in John's recovery.
But we rest assured that God is still in control.
Jim Leonard
Bev and John, What a blessing it was to read your e-mail...and even though we were aware of many of these was such a blessing to sit here and read them. I copied them to save with the letters you wrote while in Brazil. I will also send your letter to my brother in southern Mo. whose church is also praying for you all.
God is faithful to meet our every need and your family is a testimony to that promise.
Psalm 118:24 We love all of you and you are much in our prayers for God's healing hand upon both John and Josh and special strength and encouragement for you all. Bob and Phyllis
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Thursday, August 18, 2005 11:17:00 AM
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