God is Good
Talking with Pastor Kevin from Saylorville Baptist Church this afternoon, he told me this: A pastor came to preach at John's church in Brazil. From what I remember the message pertained to John's situation. Approximately 8 people were saved at this service. All things work together for good to those who love God.
Later talking with Pastor Pat Nemmers from Saylorville Baptist Church, I got this information. I was calling pastor to talk to him about a new and easier name for this site (I'll go into that later) and he said there was some great news, and he emphasized great. I feel I know pastor pretty well and could tell he was meaning John moved his body. I was right, while working with a physical therapist, they coaxed him and worked with him and his right arm and fingers moved. Pastor was saying that while they were praying for him earlier he thought he felt John's hand twitch but thought it was just himself and didn't say anything. I agreed to keep it quiet until the family released this information. I have heard that this info was released via email from Jim Leonard. I am currently trying to get him hooked up so his emails post directly here but as for now I can only go by memory from what I've heard tonight.
As for the website, the current name (johnleonardinfo.blogspot.com) will work indefinitely. But tonight I bought the site PrayforJohn.com. It will work on and off for the next 24 hours but will then work indefinety. I made a banner which is at the top but I will include it here also:

This is so it will be easier to give out the address and also focus on what is really important at this time. Pray for John is what we're all doing right now. The website has been getting people from all over the world hitting it. Here are the stats for the past few days.
The site was created at approximately 11:00pm Tuesday the 12th and this post is as of Saturday the 16th at 1:09am, there are a total of 1,129 Visitors with over 2,700 page loads. 218 Return visitors. I have also added a poll on the right hand side of the page titled How do you know John Leonard? I have many of you on the Mailing List but if you still need to be added just email me at JohnLeonardInfo@gmail.com, the new Email address of info@PrayforJohn.com should also be working within the next 24 hours. One last thing, I've added a link in the upper right hand corner to a guestbook which you can sign and leave a message for john and his family.
Douglas Porter
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to JohnLeonardInfo@gmail.com
I just want to add a thank you to Doug Porter for creating and operating this Blog. Fantastic job. Although we are in Indiana, we can keep right up to date and are able to pray more intelligently.
Anonymous, at
Saturday, July 16, 2005 3:38:00 PM
Now we can pray for specifics, and have placed this site on our Favorites to easily keep abreast of developments. Thank you.
Anonymous, at
Monday, July 18, 2005 7:47:00 PM
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