Pair shoots against American shepherd in Alagoas
Article from Folha Online:
Original Portugese:
04/07/2005 - 12h51
Dupla atira contra pastor americano em Alagoas
da Folha Online
O pastor americano John David Leonard, 45, foi ferido a tiros neste final de semana em Coqueiro Seco (AL). Ele estava na porta da igreja Batista, com outras pessoas, quando foi baleado.
Segundo a delegada Geovania Falcão, dois homens que ocupavam um Corsa prata perguntaram pelo pastor antes de atirar. "Dois homens desconhecidos na cidade procuraram identificar quem seria o pastor John e, logo em seguida, dispararam vários tiros", disse.
Leonard foi internado em estado grave. A delegada afirma que já tem hipóteses para o crime, mas não divulgou para não atrapalhar as investigações.
Segundo ela, o pastor iniciou um trabalho missionário na cidade há três anos, voltou para os Estados Unidos há dois meses e retornou à cidade há uma semana --o objetivo seria resolver problemas pessoais.
Translated to English via
July 4th, 2005 - 12:51pm
Pair shoots against American shepherd in Alagoas
by Folha Online
The American shepherd John David Leonard, 45, was wounded the shots in this end of week in Coqueiro Seco (AL). It was in the door of the church Baptist, with other people, when he was transferred.
According to delegated Geovania Hawk, two men who occupied a Corsa silver had asked for the shepherd before shooting. "Two unknown men in the city had looked for to identify who would be the shepherd John and, then after that, some shots had gone off", said.
Leonard was interned in serious state. The commission agent affirms that already she has hypotheses for the crime, but did not divulge not to confuse the inquiries.
According to it, the shepherd initiated a work missionary in the city has three years, he came back toward the United States he has two months and he returned to the city has one week - it objective he would be to decide personal problems.
Original Portugese:
04/07/2005 - 12h51
Dupla atira contra pastor americano em Alagoas
da Folha Online
O pastor americano John David Leonard, 45, foi ferido a tiros neste final de semana em Coqueiro Seco (AL). Ele estava na porta da igreja Batista, com outras pessoas, quando foi baleado.
Segundo a delegada Geovania Falcão, dois homens que ocupavam um Corsa prata perguntaram pelo pastor antes de atirar. "Dois homens desconhecidos na cidade procuraram identificar quem seria o pastor John e, logo em seguida, dispararam vários tiros", disse.
Leonard foi internado em estado grave. A delegada afirma que já tem hipóteses para o crime, mas não divulgou para não atrapalhar as investigações.
Segundo ela, o pastor iniciou um trabalho missionário na cidade há três anos, voltou para os Estados Unidos há dois meses e retornou à cidade há uma semana --o objetivo seria resolver problemas pessoais.
Translated to English via
July 4th, 2005 - 12:51pm
Pair shoots against American shepherd in Alagoas
by Folha Online
The American shepherd John David Leonard, 45, was wounded the shots in this end of week in Coqueiro Seco (AL). It was in the door of the church Baptist, with other people, when he was transferred.
According to delegated Geovania Hawk, two men who occupied a Corsa silver had asked for the shepherd before shooting. "Two unknown men in the city had looked for to identify who would be the shepherd John and, then after that, some shots had gone off", said.
Leonard was interned in serious state. The commission agent affirms that already she has hypotheses for the crime, but did not divulge not to confuse the inquiries.
According to it, the shepherd initiated a work missionary in the city has three years, he came back toward the United States he has two months and he returned to the city has one week - it objective he would be to decide personal problems.
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