Update on John
We apologize for allowing a few days to go by with no updates on John
Leonard's progress. Doug and Brooke Porter are preparing for a short term
Missions trip to Brazil, and we (Jim & Julie Leonard) are visiting
supporting churches. But this should not in any way effect your prayers on
behalf of John Leonard. Thank you for your faithfulness.
Yesterday John was moved to the rehabilitation wing of the Iowa Methodist
Hospital where they will help him with exercise and occupational therapy to
help him live as independently as possible in his condition. John still has
some infection in his lungs, his jaws wired shut, and a tracheotomy in his
throat. Other than a little movement in both upper arms, he is paralyzed
from the neck down. We do praise the Lord that he is able to breath on his
own and is able to speak. Please continue to pray that God would heal
John's body and restore the use of his hands and legs.
John has been able to receive a limited number of friends who have
encouraged him in the Lord. Yesterday he was blessed by a visit from Pastor
Roger Williams and his wife from Phoenix, AZ. We would encourage any who
would like to visit John to please call before coming by, as he is not
always able to receive guests
Joshua, John's son who has been hospitalized in Brazil, should arrive this
morning in Des Moines. He will be admitted to the same hospital where his
father is for a medical evaluation of his present condition. Please pray
for Joshua's healing and for God's leading in his life. For current updates
on John and Joshua Leonard, please visit www.prayforjohn.com.
The church family from Saylorville Baptist has helped John and Bev find a
home in Ankeny, IA, and are completely remodeling this home to fit their
needs. A big thanks to Saylorville and Grandview Park Baptist Churches for
lovingly providing meals for the family during this entire month.
More later. Please keep praying!
Josué, desde garotinho um exemplo de cristão. Lembro bem do quão sábio sempre foi. Hoje com 20 anos também se tornou um exemplo de garra, assim como o Pr. João. Homens de grande fé e temência a Deus.
Estamos orando por vocês.
Que Deus os abençoe e também a Dn. Bev e os meninos.
Anonymous, at
Tuesday, August 09, 2005 4:58:00 PM
Oi josué, seu palmares ganhou hoje de 3 a 2 do internacional., já estou dirigindo, e você já está se alimentando bem???
Estamos com muita saudades, mas felizes por vc está com sua família, por favor, se possível nos dê notícias.
Um grande beijo na sua testa. Da amiga LIL ,.......
Muita paz para D. BEV , o Pastor e seus irmãos. O jailton mudou de médico, saiu do Dr. André , ele começou outro tratamento ontem , mas está muito confiante.
Tchau, nos informe seu novo endereço pois, queremos te enviar um objeto como lembrança!!!!
Anonymous, at
Saturday, August 13, 2005 5:03:00 PM
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