Out of ICU
I talked to Pastor Pat tonight. He said John is back out of ICU but still requests for no visitors. John still has the same abilities as before so there was no loss of feeling or control which is a answer to prayer. Pastor said John had a very tiring day today. I will be bringing up the messages from the guestbook tomorrow and should have another update and will have all the new address added to the mailing list.
- Doug
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to MailingList@PrayforJohn.com
- Doug
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to MailingList@PrayforJohn.com
Quer o Senho nosso DEUS esteja sempre com vcs, estamos com orando pela recuperaçao do amigo e pastor João,
são os voto Hermano e familia.
Anonymous, at
Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:52:00 AM
Estamos em oração desde o dia 03 de Julho. Eu, meus pais e irmãos. Graças a Deus, já começamos a agradecer pelo seu restabelecimento. Cremos que Deus tem mais milagres a operar em sua vida.
Abraços Dona Bev e crianças!
Daniel Tenório
Anonymous, at
Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:14:00 PM
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard:
Our children remember to pray for you almost every day. (Josh too). Praise God for these great reports. We are praying for your spiritual walks, and that you will finish well! AMEN.
Praise God for your housing and school decisions made. We will continue to uphold you before the throne.
Dan, Jennifer, Victoria, Mansel, Milo, Danielle, and Wayne
(Grace Baptist Church - Chariton)
Anonymous, at
Tuesday, August 02, 2005 5:49:00 AM
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