New Trach
Jim is gone for about 10 days so Bev and I (Doug) will be keeping you updated. We (my wife and I) stopped by the hospital to bring a stack of messages down for John. Bev happened to come out quick and we gave her the messages and told her about the e-Cards for Josh. She said John was feeling very tired the past few days and that they were just waiting for his fever to come down and then he could be moved to a normal room. She said when he is ready she would have me come down to video a message to everyone.
Later I found my phone had some missed calls and after listening to voicemails, found out that Bev and Pastor Pat had tried to call. I guess John was ready to make the video now. When we got there a family member took us back to John's room. My wife and I had been preparing ourselves for what John may look like as we hadn't seen him since VBS a few weeks before. I was amazed to see how well he looked. He has to talk with his mouth wired shut but he does a great job. He looks very young because, if you know John and his brothers, they all look young for their age, but John now looks like he has braces due to his mouth wired shut. A lot that he said was very personal but I will share two things with you. One is he told us that he still doesn't remember anything. Pastor was talking to him about when they got him here to Des Moines and he was in a coma and the doctors didn't know if he was going to live. John said he doesn't remember anything. He also said that he knew he had two options, either go crazy, or turn to God for strength. You can tell it is God that is in control. John says he has been very humbled through all of this and that he prays hard to be able to preach again. The video will be available tomorrow after the church sees it due to it is directed towards the people of Saylorville Baptist Church.
Now to the actual update. John received a new Trach today which has helped his ability to talk. He said he feels much better now. In his own words he called the old Trach, 1800's style from Brazil. He told me the story of it all but I felt bad keeping him up so late. As soon as he is able, I know I will be up a lot visiting him. He had Bev play one of his favorite songs tonight and he kept telling me stories. He even prayed for me and my wife before we left. We finally left but told him we would come again soon with more of everyone's messages.
Prayer requests I feel are important:
1. Continue prayers involving healing of John in all ways but specifically for the fever to go away.
2. Pray for John. He is praying that he won't become a burden to his wife and family. God is really teaching him he needs others and to allow them to serve him.
3. Josh's healing and plans for coming to the US.
4. Future plans for the family as in schooling, home, and general plans for their life.
5. That John will preach again.
6. For his churchs still in Brazil and "the work"
7. Bev, that God continues to strengthen her and guide her.
- Douglas Porter
P.S. I want to thank the very first donator to the site. I used it to remove the ads from the "Leave a message for John" section also know as the guestbook. Thank You.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to
Later I found my phone had some missed calls and after listening to voicemails, found out that Bev and Pastor Pat had tried to call. I guess John was ready to make the video now. When we got there a family member took us back to John's room. My wife and I had been preparing ourselves for what John may look like as we hadn't seen him since VBS a few weeks before. I was amazed to see how well he looked. He has to talk with his mouth wired shut but he does a great job. He looks very young because, if you know John and his brothers, they all look young for their age, but John now looks like he has braces due to his mouth wired shut. A lot that he said was very personal but I will share two things with you. One is he told us that he still doesn't remember anything. Pastor was talking to him about when they got him here to Des Moines and he was in a coma and the doctors didn't know if he was going to live. John said he doesn't remember anything. He also said that he knew he had two options, either go crazy, or turn to God for strength. You can tell it is God that is in control. John says he has been very humbled through all of this and that he prays hard to be able to preach again. The video will be available tomorrow after the church sees it due to it is directed towards the people of Saylorville Baptist Church.
Now to the actual update. John received a new Trach today which has helped his ability to talk. He said he feels much better now. In his own words he called the old Trach, 1800's style from Brazil. He told me the story of it all but I felt bad keeping him up so late. As soon as he is able, I know I will be up a lot visiting him. He had Bev play one of his favorite songs tonight and he kept telling me stories. He even prayed for me and my wife before we left. We finally left but told him we would come again soon with more of everyone's messages.
Prayer requests I feel are important:
1. Continue prayers involving healing of John in all ways but specifically for the fever to go away.
2. Pray for John. He is praying that he won't become a burden to his wife and family. God is really teaching him he needs others and to allow them to serve him.
3. Josh's healing and plans for coming to the US.
4. Future plans for the family as in schooling, home, and general plans for their life.
5. That John will preach again.
6. For his churchs still in Brazil and "the work"
7. Bev, that God continues to strengthen her and guide her.
- Douglas Porter
P.S. I want to thank the very first donator to the site. I used it to remove the ads from the "Leave a message for John" section also know as the guestbook. Thank You.
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to
Hi, I am member of a Baptist Church in Mucuripe, Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil. Our pastor, Pr. José Moraes told us about the incident with Missionary John and our church is praying for him and we won't forget to send prayers all the time! God bless him and all his family.
We are with you.
Denise Andrade
Igreja Batista Regular de Mucuripe
Anonymous, at
Sunday, July 24, 2005 8:45:00 AM
Dear Bev, John and family,
We just want you to know that you are in our thoughts and prayers throughout every day. Many of your Victory friends from years past are praying for you in their individual churches around the country.
What a surprise to answer the phone this afternoon and find Naomi on the line. Thank you so much for thinking of us and please know that we are keeping updated every day due to your "internet specialists." We appreciated the video of John.
We love you all and look forward to the day when you can all come to Kansas.
In His love,
David and Carolyn
Anonymous, at
Tuesday, July 26, 2005 7:25:00 PM
This is Ed Lieb, missionary retired from Ceara Brazil. We knew Jerry, John's dad. We have beed informed of the shooting since the beginning and continue in prayer. Last time I saw John was at Thanksgiving day 1996 in Maceió. A full recovery would be wonderful, but Gopd's will is the best of all things. He will use you, John as He is using you now. In Him, Ed and Jane Lieb
Anonymous, at
Wednesday, July 27, 2005 6:29:00 AM
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