Leonard Prayer Note
Dear Prayer Partners,
It is Thursday evening, July 21, and we continue to ask you to uphold John Leonard in your prayers as he recovers from the attempt on his life two and a half weeks ago. I am sitting by John's bedside, chatting with him as I write this note.
John is still in the Intensive Care Unit because of a persistent fever from an unidentified source. Yesterday the doctors gave us the first indication that the anti-biotics are working to combat the dangerous infections he has, and that the pneumonia was clearing up. As soon as this fever is under control John will be moved to the rehabilitation wing of the hospital.
Since Tuesday John has been able to speak with his own voice, which is a huge blessing, yet he tires quickly and only gets a few words out now and then. But the prospects of him being able to preach God's Word again excites us all. Even in the hospital room he and the family have had
numerous opportunities to share the Gospel. Today we were able to witness to a Muslim immigrant from Bosnia who came in to clean the room.
Yesterday I called the Chief Investigator who is working on the investigation for the shooting in Brazil. We were assured that they are working night and day, have made good headway in the case, and that perhaps by next week they would have something solid to tell us. John is beginning to recollect a few details from the early moments immediately following the
shooting, but has no idea who the gunmen were, nor why somebody would have ordered this.
John and Beverly are beginning to consider the options for the family's housing needs for the upcoming semester, as well as the schooling needs for Jerrod, Jonna, and Jeanie. We know that God will provide these needs as He has proven Himself faithful time and again.
This weekend Naomi will be returning to her home in Tennessee and we will be leaving for a ten day trip to Minnesota and Wisconsin. Beverly's parents and sister will be coming up from Kansas to spend some time with the family in Des Moines. We praise the Lord for family and friends who have surrounded this family during this special time.
Please pray:
- For healing from the fever, and that John would regain full use of his arms and legs
- For our witness even while in the hospital
- For the repentance and salvation of the gunmen and those who ordered this shooting.
- For God's provision of housing and schooling for the Leonard family
- For Joshua, as he continues to recover in Brazil
Thank you for being a part of this great army of prayer warriors who are glorifying God with what He is doing in and through John Leonard.
Jim & Julie Leonard
John and Bev's home church has created a web page where current news and updates are being posted. It is www.prayforjohn.com You can write John a greeting at www.iowahealth.org. Click on the "Patient and Visitors" link and you will find an option to "Send a Patient Greeting." John is at the Iowa Methodist Medical Center.
It is Friday morning, July 22. Once again, the Lord is putting you both heavily on my heart. I have consistently been watching the website and watching as God is working miracles in your life. What a blessing it has been to hear of how God is using this even to bring souls to Himself.
My mom passed away on Christmas Day, 2004. We never questioned the Lord, but sometimes you wonder what He has in store. The song kept coming to my mind... "When you can't trust His Hand, trust His heart."
When I was at FBBC, the Leonards' testimony was always at the forefront. I always knew God would use all all of you. Indeed He has and is continuing to do so.
Our church in Troy, Ohio is praying for you. I have gotten emails from people that didn't know I knew you, telling me the story and asking me to pray. Literally, around the world!
Jeremiah 29:11 - "For I know the plans that I have for you..."
In His Love, Beth Workman
Anonymous, at
Friday, July 22, 2005 4:55:00 AM
Dear Jim and Julie,
Even though we are 400 miles away, we want you to know we are connected in sooooo many ways. The e-mails started right away and what a blessing to be able to be in prayer for all of it, almost from the start.
Earl and I are sooooo thrilled that Saylorville Baptist has picked up the baton and caring for the fallen warrior. Our first acquaintances at Saylorville of course are the older generation. We were their missionaries to start the church in Norwalk in Summer 1961. We were young, just out of college and expecting our first baby when we moved to Norwalk that summer and they became the "mother church for the new baby church". Several churches in the area picked up our support but Earl went to work at Bordens Dairy with Russ Farrell as his leader, and that helped provide the start for the Swigart Family in Norwalk. We moved to Norwalk on our second anniversary, green horns just out of college and ready to serve the Lord. We could have certainly used an internship... unheard of in those days... but we had Des Moines area Pastors who took Earl under their wings and away we went. Most of them are with the Lord now.
When we were in Mt Pleasant, Jim and Julie and Josiah came to Calvary Baptist and we had a wonderful time with you... and we still feel that connection... altho we have not been able to see you in years. In 1990 the Lord brought us to Central Wisconsin for a "Rescue Work"! Earl's enduring patience with people won him this great challenge!!! We have been blessed and Berea Baptist Church has done well... and now we are in the throw of loosing 3 young families and 7 children in one summer!
All for good reasons, employment changes, and ministry opportunities so we are happy for them... we are the ones who feel the loss. This church goes in spirts with/without children... and we are loosing 7... and that will be a big effect for this Fall. We had a great Childrens Club all last year and it was so encouraging to all of us.
When I first started reading the e-mails from your Josiah, my heart skipped a beat to realize again how the years have flown by. Our Marci has always been our baby lover, and I remember how I had to keep after her to let the baby alone. He wasn't very old when you came. Since then, we have followed you by prayer letters... and if you send that by e-mail, please add us to the list and save the postage.
Meanwhile, back to John, we are so thankful that you are at Iowa Methodist and surrounded by the family of God... and hopefully, because of his stay there, that family will grow! God does wonderful things during adversity. I just told a young mother yesterday how wonderful it is to have children and give them back to the Lord and watch what God does with them in the years to come. Wendy and Wayne are leaving us this week to go to Menomee Falls Church with Pastor Jim Maxwell. Earl led Wayne to the Lord almost 2 years ago... and we have watched them grow and blossom and reproduce already. They have been a real encouragement. In fact, Earl leaves tonight with the U-Haul and he and one of our Deacons are going to be taking their things to their new home in Horicon, WI. Pastor Maxwell asked his people to please rally to unload because he doesn't want to be outdone by Pastor Swigart! I got tickled at that for sure! Earl is probably the Sr Pastor here in WI and has a good relationship with all of the Pastors. Took one year off after we came, no camp board mtg, no council mtgs, it was nice!!! But by the 2nd year, he was on the go again and recharged!!! What a guy! I can't keep up with him anymore... I just go along for the ride!!! BUT the ride isn't as fast either.
Our love to you and all your family and may you have a blessed trip this coming week! You are all in our hearts and prayers!
PS. Earl is allergic to the computer...so I chat for both!!!
Anonymous, at
Friday, July 22, 2005 11:29:00 AM
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