Update From Bev Leonard
Just a brief up-date on the latest here at the hospital and otherwise...We had an awesome weekend as Saylorville Baptist Church had an official "turning over of the keys to our home party" Sunday afternoon at 3:00! The entire time was very special, since there was a large crowd and lots of excitement in the air upon our arrival there in Ankeny. But the best part of all was the fact that John was able to attend!! This was a surprise to most, including our own children, so that was special to everyone. It was John's first time out since July 9th (the day he arrived here in the hospital from Brazil), so it seemed quite "strange" to him, but he did very well and enjoyed seeing our beautiful "new" home!! It looks, "feels" (and even smells!) brand new because of all of the work that the crew from Saylorville did to it, and we are so honored to be able to live in a such a lovely place. We would like to thank each one who participated in any way to make this house our home. We have already dedicated it totally to our Lord and have a sincere desire to use it for His glory.
John is making progress each day. Yesterday they came to take his "feeding tube" out. He was only on tube feedings at night, and now has gotten his caloric intake up enough to do away with that. His motorized wheelchair is in and he has been "driving it" around. Some days he gets a little frustrated, but he is able to us his right arm to help control it. The hardest part is the fact that he doesn't have hand control yet, but they are working with him to help him learn the best ways to steer it. He made both a right and left turn yesterday without much trouble, so we are thanking the Lord for the progress we have seen. The therapy team has given us the tentative "dismissal from the hospital date" of October 3rd. This was lots sooner than we had expected, so, prayer team...one more answer to your prayers!!! Thankyou!!
Josh changed seizure medicines and we are seeing if this will help out his appetite some. He had a doctor's appointment yesterday which told him he could be weaning himself away from his walker and using only a cane for a short period of time and then he should be fine walking on his own. Praise the Lord together with us for yet another answered prayer.
Frances (John's mother), went back to the doctor also this past week, and they seem to think she is doing OK. They do not feel that her cancer has spread to any other parts of her body, but rather, was totally contained in the surgically removed thyroid. She has periods of weakness, but is gradually building her strength up. Please continue to remember her in prayer.
Yesterday, we moved the final items from Pastor and Mrs. Norman Hoag's house up to our home in Ankeny, so she and all the kids are truly thankful to not be "living out of a suitcase" now! Once again, we would like to thank the Hoags so much for allowing us to live at their place while they were gone for one month.
We spoke with Adjane (Mauricio's wife) this past week, and she told us that souls are being saved in all of the works in Maceio and the Lord is truly working in hearts and lives. Since Pastor Lelo has arrived, many who had left the church previously have returned and are attending on a regular basis. Christians are being edified and are busy serving once again. Please remember in prayer not only Pastor Lelo and Mauricio (head deacon), but also Pastors Paulo and Lindoan, who are heading up the other works there. We are really excited to see what the Lord is doing and is going to continue to do in our absence.
Thank you again, prayer team, for your faithful prayers on our behalf! We love you!
Sincerely in Christ,
John, Bev, Josh, Jerrod, Jonna, and Jeanne Leonard
John is making progress each day. Yesterday they came to take his "feeding tube" out. He was only on tube feedings at night, and now has gotten his caloric intake up enough to do away with that. His motorized wheelchair is in and he has been "driving it" around. Some days he gets a little frustrated, but he is able to us his right arm to help control it. The hardest part is the fact that he doesn't have hand control yet, but they are working with him to help him learn the best ways to steer it. He made both a right and left turn yesterday without much trouble, so we are thanking the Lord for the progress we have seen. The therapy team has given us the tentative "dismissal from the hospital date" of October 3rd. This was lots sooner than we had expected, so, prayer team...one more answer to your prayers!!! Thankyou!!
Josh changed seizure medicines and we are seeing if this will help out his appetite some. He had a doctor's appointment yesterday which told him he could be weaning himself away from his walker and using only a cane for a short period of time and then he should be fine walking on his own. Praise the Lord together with us for yet another answered prayer.
Frances (John's mother), went back to the doctor also this past week, and they seem to think she is doing OK. They do not feel that her cancer has spread to any other parts of her body, but rather, was totally contained in the surgically removed thyroid. She has periods of weakness, but is gradually building her strength up. Please continue to remember her in prayer.
Yesterday, we moved the final items from Pastor and Mrs. Norman Hoag's house up to our home in Ankeny, so she and all the kids are truly thankful to not be "living out of a suitcase" now! Once again, we would like to thank the Hoags so much for allowing us to live at their place while they were gone for one month.
We spoke with Adjane (Mauricio's wife) this past week, and she told us that souls are being saved in all of the works in Maceio and the Lord is truly working in hearts and lives. Since Pastor Lelo has arrived, many who had left the church previously have returned and are attending on a regular basis. Christians are being edified and are busy serving once again. Please remember in prayer not only Pastor Lelo and Mauricio (head deacon), but also Pastors Paulo and Lindoan, who are heading up the other works there. We are really excited to see what the Lord is doing and is going to continue to do in our absence.
Thank you again, prayer team, for your faithful prayers on our behalf! We love you!
Sincerely in Christ,
John, Bev, Josh, Jerrod, Jonna, and Jeanne Leonard
Psalms 118:24 We rejoice with you John and also your sweet family on how our lord has worked in your body bringing you to the place where you are today and we know "He's not through with you yet! " Praise the Lord for the good news about your mother and also Josh...Josh has been much in our prayers and know our Lord will bring healing to his body too.
We saw all of you on Channel 13 as you saw your house for the first time we are so happy for all of you our Lord is so GOOD !
Praying God's special blessings upon you all...our love, Bob and Phyllis
Anonymous, at
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:45:00 AM
Dear Bev,
I'm not sure you remember me. I'm from Maceio, but I live with my husband here in Kansas City, MO. We met at a Fourth of July party at the Mahers.
We rejoice with the news of the progress Mr. Leonard is making. That's GREAt news! Praise the LOrd!!!!
We have been praying for you and your family.
Let's rejoice in the fact that God has always been- and still is- in control, no matter what we face.
May the LOrd keep showering His blessings on you as He daily takes care of all your needs.
Love in Christ,
Daniel and Paulinha Nichols
Anonymous, at
Wednesday, September 14, 2005 6:46:00 PM
Dear John, Bev, kids and Frances,
We continue to pray for you all and are so thankful for the many answered prayers!! What a wonderful Lord we serve. I am praying for you, too, Bev that you are getting rest and the Lord is giving you the strength you need for each day. We love you all. Gordon and Cindy Wyant, Alaska, BMM
Anonymous, at
Thursday, September 15, 2005 3:12:00 PM
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