Leonard Prayer Note
Dear Prayer Partners,
Tonight God brought to John's mind the verse in Psalm 56:8 which reads: "put thou my tears into thy bottle..." He said "that's me, and my bottle is filled with tears of happiness." When I asked him what it was that made him most happy, he answered: "Everything!" Indeed, we can only rejoice in everything God has done and is doing through this trial of our faith.
"Everything" certainly includes all of you who are joined in prayer before God in behalf of John, his family, and their churches in Brazil. "Everything" also includes each of you who have sent notes of encouragement to John and Bev. We read them all out loud and praise God for you all.
After consulting with Joshua's doctors in Brazil, the family which has been carring for him, and with Joshua himself, we have decided it best for Joshua to remain in Brazil for a couple more weeks to gain more strength and recuperate from his most recent hip surgery. Joshua is surrounded by the church family and youth group who love him and are seeing that he is properly cared for. This means that he will be celebrating his 20th birthday in Brazil, just before joining his family in Des Moines. I wish we could figure out a way to blast him with hundreds of birthday greetings from all around the world. Maybe Doug Porter can come up with an idea?
Today for the first time John's doctors gave us an indication that he is winning the battle against the infections. They said that soon he will be ready to move from the ICU to the trauma wing of the hospital.
God is faithful. May all the glory be to Him.
Jim Leonard
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to MailingList@PrayforJohn.com
Tonight God brought to John's mind the verse in Psalm 56:8 which reads: "put thou my tears into thy bottle..." He said "that's me, and my bottle is filled with tears of happiness." When I asked him what it was that made him most happy, he answered: "Everything!" Indeed, we can only rejoice in everything God has done and is doing through this trial of our faith.
"Everything" certainly includes all of you who are joined in prayer before God in behalf of John, his family, and their churches in Brazil. "Everything" also includes each of you who have sent notes of encouragement to John and Bev. We read them all out loud and praise God for you all.
After consulting with Joshua's doctors in Brazil, the family which has been carring for him, and with Joshua himself, we have decided it best for Joshua to remain in Brazil for a couple more weeks to gain more strength and recuperate from his most recent hip surgery. Joshua is surrounded by the church family and youth group who love him and are seeing that he is properly cared for. This means that he will be celebrating his 20th birthday in Brazil, just before joining his family in Des Moines. I wish we could figure out a way to blast him with hundreds of birthday greetings from all around the world. Maybe Doug Porter can come up with an idea?
Today for the first time John's doctors gave us an indication that he is winning the battle against the infections. They said that soon he will be ready to move from the ICU to the trauma wing of the hospital.
God is faithful. May all the glory be to Him.
Jim Leonard
If you would like to be added to the mailing list send an email to MailingList@PrayforJohn.com
Dear John, Bev, Jim, Julie and all,
We love you guys and are praying for you often. We feel so far away but yet so close because of the bond that we share in the Lord Jesus. We're so thankful for the grace that the Lord is giving to you to rejoice in His plan for you. We don't much about blogging but maybe we'll learn! Thanks for keeping us updated. It means so much for us to be able to keep up with what's happening. We all send a big äbraco! Lots of love,
Mark, Becki and family
Anonymous, at
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 10:01:00 AM
Dear John, Bev and family,
We are praying for you all and appreciate the updates that help us know how to pray more specifically. We praise the Lord for His grace that is sustaining your family. We love you,
Eric, Cindy and family
Anonymous, at
Wednesday, July 20, 2005 1:34:00 PM
Dear John, Bev & family
This is Marv & Diane Fray from São Paulo rejoicing to hear that God is giving victory over the infection and that you may soon be out of the ITU!
Our young OANSE children have been praying constantly for you and last night gave me cute cards they had made, which I put in the mail today. It is always encouraging to see the fervor and faithfulness of children's prayers.
We were also glad to hear that Joshua has a church family with enthusiastic Brazilian youth that are caring for him. We were wondering how he would pass the hours in a body cast, but we know the youth will help him solve that problem. It's a blessing that this is vacation month.
You may remember that our son Nathan, also ministering here in São Paulo, has a duaghter, Lydia (age 8), who is paralyzed from the waist down due to spina bifida. They were starting a new church when she was born and the love the church--adults, youth & children--showed her over the years has helped develop her into one of the happiest, most outgoing and enthusiastic little girls we have ever seen. God uses all circumstances for His glory and our good.
You may also know that the Igreja Batista Esperança has a ministry to the physically challenged ("deficientes" is the name they use here!). It is a blessing to see them and their caregivers (usually mothers) accept Christ and as they grow in Him come to rejoice in how they are formed--knowing that God has a purpose in their lives and thus they are wonderfully and marvelously formed.
We are praying for those that accepted Christ last Wednesday night. How special of the Lord to give so much fruit so soon. We are also praying for God to raise up more missionaries through this crisis, both in the U.S. and here in Brazil.
What a privilege to be a part of the body of Christ. We believe you are the most prayed-for family in the world right now. May we all be faithful in praying for you in the challenging days ahead.
Much love,
Marv & Diane Fray
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 21, 2005 10:36:00 AM
Dear John, Bev, and Family:
Please know that we are praying for you night and day. Our church people are praying for you. In fact, I know that all of our churches and believers in João Pessoa are praying for you. We are always being asked about how you are doing and we praise God we can give such good reports due to God's working in your constant improvement. We love you and praise God for you!
Jon, Jen, JD, Jakey, Juleah & Jillian
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 21, 2005 11:37:00 AM
Praying for you in Scotland.
Gleason family & Free Baptist Church
Anonymous, at
Thursday, July 21, 2005 12:27:00 PM
Dear John, Bev, and family,
Just wanted to drop you a note and let you know that we are praying for you. The people in our church in Utah are praying for you too. We went to school with you at Faith. We are so thankful for the updates on the internet, so we know better how to pray for you. We pass them onto our church family and other Christian freinds. It is so great to know that we can take our concerns to the Lord and He is in control. Isa 40:31 "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." What a great comfort to know that God is in control.
Thanks for the updates.
Gene, Donna and Mandie Visher
Sandy Utah
Anonymous, at
Monday, July 25, 2005 11:34:00 AM
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